Ch. 5 - To Love Someone

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The silence that came next was deafening to her. She desperately wished she hadn't said a word, but as she gazed upwards towards the tall male, she felt the world on her shoulders start to falter and collapse farther. The heartbreaking truth that she had held on for so long was trying to escape. It had wanted to all along, but she held it back. After all, she loved him more than anyone in the world. She wanted that love in return, but now reality was settling in. All it took was one look, one shared glance between the two for her to know it was over. Perhaps she still had a bit of time before his own truth escaped, but it wasn't long and she had no intentions of letting it hurt anyone. 

"Uh yeah," Dream said at last, his eyes searching hers in an attempt to figure out what could possibly be said, but Alana avoided his eyes and instead, gently guided him into the room she had been given. This would not be easy for her, but it was something she had known all along would happen. She seen it in his laughs—she saw the way his eyes would light up and his happiness would rise. The way he was with him was not the way he was with her. Truthfully she knew he loved her, but it would never match the love he felt for him. Deep down, she knew that this wasn't her place to tell, but she couldn't hang on any longer. "So, what's up?" 

"Do you love George?" The question was shot out quickly and it left Dream feel a bit put off. He stared at her in confusion, his mouth slightly open as if he wanted to say something, but decided against it. Perhaps it was her degree that made it so easy to read people; to know their emotions and what they were feeling. She knew the answer before she even asked. 

"Of course." Dream said hesitantly, his hands now shoved into his pockets. He hadn't once taken his eyes off of her, but Alana refused to even look his way. "He's my best friend." 

"That's not what I meant, Dream. Do you love George?"  

"I—" Dream swallowed hard, his eyes now looking away. Alana finally set her own on him, taking note of the pink that had tinted his cheeks and the tops of his ears. "Yes." His voice was quiet and almost defeated. Slowly the tall man walked over and sat on the bed, his head hung low. Alana hesitated, then slowly made her way over and placed a hand on his shoulder, offering some sort of comfort for him. "But I've accepted the fact that he will never feel the same way. You make him happy. I see it in his smiles whenever he talks about you. I could never take away his happiness." His words hit her chest hard like a hammer and for a moment, she felt winded and unsure of her surroundings. 

"Dream, can you look at me?" Alana let go of his shoulders and placed her hands on her lap neatly, her attention fully on the other. Dream didn't move at first, but after a moment, he slowly turned and met her gaze. She smiled softly, her bright blue eyes sparkling with both sadness and kindness. "I know he loves me, but I will never be enough for him. I didn't realize at first when I got into a relationship with him. In fact, once I did realize I pushed it away. I was dumb, but I also knew that if I held on a little longer, maybe he'd gain the courage to finally realize the truth. After awhile, I slowly accepted it. He loved me, but it would never be the way he loved you. He's just not brave enough to admit it, not even to himself. Now I'm merely holding on until the time comes to finally give his heart away to you." Her mouth felt dry and her entire body ached with pain as she let it all out. 

"Alana, I don't understand what you're saying." Dream searched her eyes, but she just shook her head. 

"Maybe I'm just a fool, but I had always hoped he would choose me in the end. After seeing the way he looked at you though, I knew. It's hard loving someone that loves someone else. Even still, his happiness is what matters to me." By this point, Alana could feel the tears welling in her eyes, so she quickly looked away from Dream. She couldn't look at him anymore. She didn't blame him. She didn't hate him. It wasn't his fault. You cannot choose who you love and she knew that. It was hard though. 

"There's a lot to unpack here," Dream said quietly, his head now once again lowered to his lap. "But I do know that no matter what he chooses, you're right that his happiness is what's important. I accepted it when the two of you started going out. Even if you're right, even if he does love me the way that you said he does, I won't... I'm not going to push it. He needs to choose on his own." Dream stood up, but Alana quickly grabbed for his hand. 

"You need to talk with him. Please. He needs to be honest with himself." 

"You should get some sleep, Alana. I'm sure you're exhausted from your flight." Dream didn't look at her. He instead pulled his hand away and exited the room, leaving the poor girl to cry on her own. 


Clays' mind was filled with thoughts and confusion. What Alana had said was hard to hear, but it did make his heart swell just a little bit. George loved him in a way that he loved him. Apart of him rejoiced at that, but the other part of him was frightened. What he had said to Alana was the truth. George needed to choose on his own.

"Hey—" Sapnap appeared at the top of the stairs, a goofy smile on his face. "The pizza is here. Wake up George and Alana if they're not already awake." 

"Can you just bring a slice to her? She's having a rough time." Dream said quietly, ignoring the look of confusion that spread across his friends face. He couldn't help but notice the suspicion that followed, but he quickly turned his head away. "I'll wake up George." And with that, he swiftly entered the room in front of him and closed the door behind him. 

George was curled up under the bedsheets, his hair in complete disarray. Dream honestly couldn't say he had seen anything more precious in his life. George was a gem and he would always think that. For a moment he just watched him, then hesitated. They hadn't told the fans about the move just yet, so he supposed this would be a great opportunity to tease them. He pulled out his phone and quickly snapped a picture of his sleeping beauty and smirked.

> So get this, I came up to clean out one of my rooms and found this idiot sleeping here. Anyone want to claim him? 
' image attached ' 

He wasn't entire sure if this was something he was ready to send. After a moment though, he sighed and clicked it. Almost at once, his notifications went ballistic. 

> Uhhhhh, hello???????????????????????? DREAM TEAM MEET UP? 

> this isn't happening. this is not real. holy shit

> LMAO he's going to kick your ass for taking that. 



Dream rolled his eyes as he glanced at a few of the tweets, then slowly made his way over towards George. He gently shook him to which the man groaned and rolled over, an annoyed look across his face. 

"What?" Dream blinked. 

"Pizza is here. Also, I told everyone about us meeting up." For a moment, George just stared at him with squinty, tired eyes before they quickly widened and he shot up. 

"You WHAT? WHEN AND HOW?" George stared at him.

"Check my twitter." Amusement spread across Dreams' face and George immediately grabbed for his phone which he had placed on the charger. Once he had logged into Twitter and saw the picture, he slowly turned his head towards him with a deadly look in his eye.

"Clay," George stood up and Dream put his hands in the air, a guilty grin on his face. "You took a picture of me while I was sleeping?" 

"You looked cute. Get over it." Dream said cheekily, earning him an eye roll as his friend advanced on him. "Hey listen, no violence. This house is on peaceful mode." George stepped closer and now they were face to face. Well, sort of. Dream was much taller after all. 

"Delete it." 



"You literally cannot make me. You're like 4'11." 

"I'm moving back to London." 

"I mean you could do that, but it's not like that will delete the picture." 

"You're an ass, you know that?" 

"I'm a sexy piece of ass, correct." 

"You're literally insufferable." 

"You love me though." 

"I would love if you deleted that picture." 

"No can do, pretty boy. The world needs to see the angel sleeping." 

"I hate you."

"Love you too, baby." 

The conversation had gone on in such a serious tone, but all it took was one shared look for the two of them to burst into fits of laughter. What Alana had said mattered, but it wasn't the main thing that was important. What mattered was being by his side.

Friendships were built on love too and he could settle for that. No matter the outcome and the person that George decided to truly give his heart to, Dream would be okay. He knew that so long as they were together, it would be fine.

"No but seriously, delete the picture." 

"If you kissed me, I might." 

"In your dreams...Dream." 

And more laughter came. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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