Ch. 4 - Hugs and Guilt

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"In about 10 hours, we're going to see them in person. Are you ready?" George glanced over to Alana and couldn't force a smile. He was scared out of his mind. He was meeting his best friend for the first time in person, but not only that, he was staying there for good. Florida was going to be his home and he was going to be living with Dream and Sapnap. This was something that he had longed for, for so long, but now that it was happening, he felt off. 

It wasn't as if he didn't want to do this. Of course he did. It was his dream to finally be with them, but things were definitely going to change. Deep down, George also knew that he was going to have to face those feelings he had suppressed all along. It was easier online, but in person? He shook the thought away and squeezed Alana's hand a bit tighter as the two of them boarded the plane, only a carry-on with them. 

"As ready as someone can be." He finally replied as he slowly let his fingers slip from hers and located their designated seats. Once seated, George stared out of the window, his fingers thrumming the armrest. Alana was no fool and he knew that. She knew that he was nervous, so she gently placed her hand above his and offered the softest of smiles. 

"It'll be okay, George. I think you're just having a bit of anxiety now, but once you're there, you'll be fine. I'll be right by your side." The man turned his hand over and laced their fingers together. He stared down at them, a slight frown upon his face. It wasn't right and he knew this. She was such an amazing, loving girl and he was awful. She deserved so much better, but he couldn't allow himself to let go. "When do your belongings ship in?" Her question stirred him from his mental attack and he looked up. 

"Anywhere between 2 weeks to a month. I didn't bother with priority shipping since I'm certain I won't need much of my stuff at first anyway. I have my necessities already." 

"I assume that Dream has your room set up and ready then?" George nodded.

"Yes, and he also mentioned that if you're uncomfortable staying in his home, he'd be happy to buy you a hotel room close by so you have privacy. It's only if you'd like, of course." Prior to announcing that George had received his Visa, Dream had been very odd towards Alana. He usually would change the subject the second she was brought up, but now things were different. In the past month of planning, he had been nothing but supportive and kind towards her. They even picked up texting and truthfully, George didn't know how to feel about that. On one hand, he was so thankful that his best friend was finally accepting his girlfriend. While on the other, the guilt was eating him alive. 

"He mentioned that to me. I'll see how I feel at first." Alana shifted in her seat, her eyes travelling around the many passengers that were boarding. George could only stare at her, admiring her beauty for a moment. He was lucky. He knew that. She was such a wonderful girl and he knew that she loved him. After all, she was leaving behind everything just to support him. He just hoped and prayed that he wasn't stupid and hurt her. 


10 or so hours later, George and Alana were landing. By this point, his nerves were on edge. He could feel the anxiety and nervousness start to bottle up the second he saw the ground below him. In truth, he thought he was going to die. His throat felt like it was closing and for a second, he figured he wasn't breathing. Alana, taking note of her partners distressed movements, quickly leaned over and wrapped him in a hug. 

"Hey, you're okay." She murmured sleepily, having only just awoken from a small nap. George on the other hand, had not slept. "It may take time to adjust, but these are your best friends. You can do this. Take a deep breath." She placed a small kiss on his cheek and let go of him. 

And then, it was time to go to baggage claim. They were off the plane and George, albeit exhausted from the flight itself, was dragging his feet along the carpeted area, his eyes wide in distress. Alana was beside him, gently holding onto his arm, but said nothing. At this rate, there would be no calming him down until Dream was in front of him. Who knew what the outcome of that would be. 

Nevertheless, the couple slowly made their way through the Orlando Airport and then stopped in front of baggage claim. "Hey, go ahead and look for him. I'll grab our things." Alana said, just loud enough to hear over all of the chatter. She nudged him forward towards the crowding people, urging him to have his moment. She knew what this moment meant to him and George appreciated her reassurance. 

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