I want..

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I think I crave something more than love.
I crave obsession.

I want someone to beg for me
I want someone to be wait on me.

If I shove you, I want you to look at me from the ground while you kiss my feet as u plead forgiveness for being in my way.

I want you to feel like a burden to me
I want you to try to prove ur worth to me
Everyday. Every hour. Every second.
I want to be the reason behind every action.
I want to be the only think you think of.
I want to be selfish with your mind and body.

I earned your mind and body.
I want everything that you are.

U are nothing to me but I am everything to you.
U are what I deserve and I am what you desire. 

I want to be treated how I've treated you.

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