I am unsatisfied with my flesh so I'll lend it to you.
Grab it and mold it with your fingers.
Use it selfishly.
I have no use for it myself.
Find pleasure in what I find painful.
I wish I would watch you rip it to shreds.
Savagely digging ur nails into my folds.
Greedily drooling all over my skin.
Sinking your flesh into my own to steal my heat.
Then when ur done throw it away.
I had no use for it before and now neither do you.
Let it lay on the sheets. Worn and ragged.
It will wait patiently.
Rotting day by day as you use it again and again.
How long will it last before it falls apart?
Until each layer of skin begins to shed?
Will the scars fade as the layers go?
Will my flesh become beautiful the more u tear it away?
Don't stop.
I'm almost perfect.
Scratch harder. Dig deeper. Use me rougher.
The more of me that slips away the better.
Keep going.
Until I am nothing but a memory.
But don't remember my terrible flesh.
Remember how I made you feel.
Hold me like an emotion and not a being.
I was never human. Simply flesh.
And for you now, I am a feeling u cannot touch.

Dark skinned Dreams
RandomJust trying to find myself and my place. Just trying to find peace. People told me I should make a diary and this is it. It's all personal thoughts and feelings I hope that I'm not alone in feeling. Major trigger warning ahead.