Chapter One:

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Once again, I slipped on a t-shirt, shorts and headed out of the dressing room to face my best friend, Syd.

Her face lit up and my spirits were once again let down. She frowned, stopping mid clap. "Okay, so what is wrong with this outfit?"

I was wearing a light blue shirt and shorts that barely reached the heel of my palm. I was uncomfortable. I didn't answer her, I only shifted uncomfortable.

She held my arms and looked into my eyes. "They aren't there anymore, Anna. You look amazing." I smiled genuinely at her.

"I know, I just.. I've never worn clothes like these."

"I know, but once you do get used to them, you will like it. Trust me." She smiled. "Now, Honestly, what do you think about the outfit?" She asked stepping back.

I turned, looking into the mirror and tilting my head. "I dunno, " I sighed frustrated. "I feel like I am wearing your clothes."

"Please, Anna, You are way too skinny to wear anyone's clothes." She chuckled. "Of course, that is if anyone isn't a toddler."

I turned and shoved her playfully. "Come on, Syd! No fair!"

"You're telling me! Look at you, you are skinnier than a super model for christ's sake!"

"Maybe all the blood loss was worth it." I joked looking at myself with distaste in the mirror.

"Not funny, Anna."


"Go put on another outfit, then, I will buy them all for you."

"All of them?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest.

"Yes, because you look absolutely adorable in all of them and I know you didn't bring any money because you didn't want to but anything new. Well you're in luck."

"I don't see how you buying me clothes puts me in luck." I glowered at her.

"It puts you in luck because by receiving these new clothes, you will be allowed to go on vacation with me." She flashed me a smile. I was excited for this years vacation. We go every year. This year would be the first year without her parents.

"You still haven't told me where we are going." I pointed at her and went back into the dressing room to change my shirt.

"I haven't?" She faked innocence. "Oh, darn." she laughed sarcastically.

"Syd, it's the first time we're spending the summer alone, no parents, just us. All summer. Tell me where we are going."

"Anna, have I ever steered you wrong?"

I laughed and glared at the door.

"Okay, never mind. Don't answer that."

"I wasn't planning on it." I chuckled and changed into a pair of shorts that had shredded ends. They were cute, I had to admit.

"But, regardless of where I plan on taking you, there is no plan to bail on me, right?"

"Sure..." I lied, unlocking the door and standing in front of her.

"You look..."

Ugh. I look Ugh.

"Amazing. If anything, you should cover up your body because you're going to steel my boyfriend."

"What boyfriend?" I laughed.

She laughed too. "My invisible one, you know, the one that's never there."

"No, no. I think you are thinking of the boyfriend that is as existent his birthday."

She raised an eyebrow, "Birthday?"

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