Chapter Nine.

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Anna' s POV:

First, I saw nothing. And then, I saw the sky shaking uneasily. In all of my life I had only seen the sky shake like this once before.

I closed my eyes, and I was there again.

"Anna, Wake up." Mommy shook me lightly until my eyes opened.

"What do you want?" I rubbed my eyes groggily.

"Get out of bed, I have a surprise for you," she whispered pulling me into an upright position.

I arose from my bed and followed her to my door. She held her hand up for me to  halt in my place, and I did as directed.

She tiptoed across the hall to her bedroom that she shared with Dad and I watched as she peeked inside the door and then back to me. She motioned her hand for me to go down the stairs. I took a single step and the floor boards creaked. My eyes bolted up to her for assurance.

Her eyes were wide as her hand was held firmly for me to not move.

Go, her lips mouthed, and I quickly did so. I tiptoed quickly in my Princess Ariel socks and made it down stairs before the creaked again. But this time, It was mom following me, so I didn't need to worry.

"Where are we going?" I whispered.

"Sh, its a surprise." She told me and too my hand in hers. She lead me out of the house and down to the beach, where she spent most of her days while I played inside. It was more beautiful at night that it was during the day time when the shine sparkled off the water, hurting my eyes. During the day, people were all talking and laughing and having fun in their underwear. Boys were hanging on girls words and sometimes carried them into the water even though they were screaming.

Mom would always tell me the funny stories of how some of the boys and girls together would start dancing in the water. She compared it to Prince Eric and Princess Ariel. Mom never understood why I found this funny. I always tried to explain, but she didn't understand.

Humans can't dance in water. Only mermaids can.

She let go of my hand and pulled her hair up into a pony tail. It wasn't perfect like she normally made it, but instead, it was messy and her wavy hair with bright blonde streaks barely reached her shoulders in the pony tail.

She pulled her shirt up and lifted it up over her head.

She was wearing only her underwear now, but it was like all the people on the beach. She called them bathing suits, which I never understood. People shouldn't bathe in the Ocean.

It's unsanitary.

"I'm going to teach you how to swim for your birthday." Mom said to me turning around.

"How to swim like Ariel?"

"Just like her, baby girl."

I smiled softly to her and took off my socks. "Do I have to wear my underwear?" I asked her putting my socks by her shirt and shorts.

She giggled lightly to herself.

"No, dear."


"Anna, hold on, baby." She told me. But I couldn't. There was an immense pressure from the waves as they continued to crush me.

"Mommy!" My words and my breaths were constantly being cut off by the pounding of water as it tossed me to and fro. "Daddy!" I managed to scream, but no one was coming to save me.

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