Chapter Eleven

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Sydney's POV:

Anna was screaming as she was being carried away into the ambulance. I didn't go with her. I couldn't stand to see her continue to scream, so Taryn did.

Jake and I followed the ambulance to the hospital in my car. David sat in front, and Jake sat behind me as I drove. I couldn't breath. She was going to die. I knew now that her father wasn't going to stop until he could kill Anna. I knew that it doesn't matter how many times we put him behind bars, he will always come back and try to kill her. And that wasn't something I could handle.

I quickly wiped my face and continued driving.

David slipped his fingers through mine and I kept my eyes on the ambulance speeding down the road ahead of us while I smiled softly.

Estelle's POV:

Two Years ago:

Sophomore and going to prom. I smiled in the mirror happily. I was going to be gorgeous in comparison to any girl on this Earth if I kept smiling.

I just let my eyes wander around my body in the light blue dress my father had helped me pay for a month earlier. My eyes landed on my torn picture of Jake.

He was probably living in  Timbuktu now,  for all I knew. 

I lifted the image off the edge of the mirror. It was barely covered by the other pictures I have stuck in my mirror for the past six months.

Jake was sitting on my bed when I took the picture. I remember him trying to delete it, but I wouldn't let him.

My eyes started to water. I swore at myself mentally since I had just finished my make up.

"Estelle, your date is here." Dad told me.

"I will be right down." I shouted down to him from my bedroom doorway.

I checked my eyeliner in the mirror and tucked the image in my clutch with my phone and chap stick.

I exchanged pleasantries with Matt, my date, and long time friend. We took prom pictures and were pleased to be on our way.

"You look gorgeous, Estelle." Matt told me. He wasn't wrong. And I prided myself on my confidence.

I thanked him graciously.

"So then," He asked as we ate. "What's wrong; you've hardly said a word."

"Nothing is wrong," I told him. "I am having a ball of a time."

"Estelle," he looked at me disapprovingly.

"Matt," I teased, and halfway warned him to not press the topic further. But men never listen. And neither do their jealous ex-girlfriends.

Ava had been dating Matt for nearly a year before they broke up and he asked me to be his prom date. It wasn't my fault. I didn't make them break up. He was my friend and there was no girl that could resist him, but he asked me and I was pleased to go with him because he was my best friend.

I didn't know anyone other than hearing about them from before.

Ava came to me in the bathroom and saw my clutch open.

"You guys haven't even been dating a month and you already are cheating on him?" She scoffed reaching for Jake's picture. 

This isn't going to be ending well...

I watched her expectantly, waiting for her to hand it back to me.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" She asked as though she had control over me.

The Girl with ScarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon