Chapter: 2 Going to College

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I packed my stuff for college it will be really hard for me to stay away from my parents but I had to stay strong for my parents and myself but the luckiest part is my best friend from kindergarten will be in college with me I won't feel I'm by myself when I was done packing I want down stairs saying my goodbyes when I touch the bottom of the stairs I saw my mom was in the kitchen making something the whole kitchen smells really good when I got in the kitchen I said my goodbye to my mom she asked me how I feel about going to college I said I'm bite nervous and excited same time she said don't worry everything will be ok I just smiled I asked my mom where is dad she said he's at work I asked my mom can you tell dad I said bye and I love him she said she will I told my mom I'm aheading out she said her last goodbye to me I got on my horse to ahead to college I texted Skylar I will be there in 10 minutes when I was aheading to college there was someone was speeding almost hit me and my horse that was scary but I'm glad I was ok when I got to college I saw Skylar I got off of my horse gave Skylar a big hug we didn't see each other for a long time me and Skylar were waiting in line to get for your rooms I felt a tap on my shoulder I looked it was Skylar she wants me to look when i did I couldn't believe what I saw.

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