Chapter: 9 Heartbroken

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When I got back I walked in art room I heard my buzzed in my butt pocket I got my phone out of my pocket I checked who it was it was my boyfriend Marcus he sent me a text message saying

Hey Selena I think we should break up because I don't love you anymore and I love someone else this is better for both of us to go on your separate ways

My heart dropped I felt tears running down my face my heart broken in two I can't believe my boyfriend dumped me I ran out of the art room I heard singing/rapping I go check who it was I peeked in the music studio I saw Leo playing the electric guitar it actually sounds pretty good Leo notice me starting at him he noticed I was crying he asked what's wrong I came sat by him I told him my boyfriend broke up with me Leo said I'm so sorry he said you deserve way better.

My heart dropped I felt tears running down my face my heart broken in two I can't believe my boyfriend dumped me I ran out of the art room I heard singing/rapping I go check who it was I peeked in the music studio I saw Leo playing the electric gu...

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This what Leo looks like in this chapter hope you guys enjoy 😉

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