The glass prison

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Yulana was a goddess. She governed the night and the moon, controlling the sleep pattern of all. She possessed the gift of good luck, able to grant it to those who were worthy, mortals never gained such a gift, and she had never given it to them; not once in the centuries upon centuries she had lived through.

"My lady," Evelyn jones, Yulanas secretary and only 'friend' or atleast Evelyn like to see it that way.

Yulana titled her head in Evelyn's direction, in acknowledgment.

"There has been a disturbance with those who sleep," the secretary continued, waiting for Yulana to take in the information.

"I've noticed, it's only been a day since it has started and the conditions are already worsening, I will go investigate. While I am gone, I trust you to guard this realm,"

Yulana plunged her hand into her chest, and Evelyn flinched as the goddess pulled a glowing light out of her soul,

"here is the power of sleep, use it to govern, when I find what I am looking for it will immediately return to me; until then, I hope you won't disappoint."

And with that Yulana gave a quick smile as Evelyn bowed and she faded into a puff of dust, her form drifting to the mortal world.

Though instead of ending up in the alleyway near the pub as she planned to, fate had decided otherwise.

Yulana's confusion grew as she was sucked into a basement, landing with a thud on the floor.

Although this was not what she had planned, she was ready to just get up and drift somewhere else; but, something stopped her. Her eyelids grew heavy as her power seemed to seal itself inside of her, and with her unable to use it she drifted into unconscious.

She awoke to the sound of a cane. Or something of the sort, muddling with the sound of footsteps. Yulana paused. She stole a quick glance at herself and immediately buried her faces into the crooks of her elbows.

She was lying on her side with her legs pointing inward to herself, naked with her elbows and legs covering the regions she would have liked to kept clothed. Yulana took a look at where she was.

There was a glass box containing her and as she looked down she could see markings made to keep her abilities sealed.

She clenched her jaw, how could she let such amateurs trap her.

Yulanas brows furrowed, as she looked at the class cage beside her, there was an entity, for it was far too strange to be a mortal. She gazed at him and wondered if she had seen him before, something about him gave her deja vu.

She watched with rising anger as a man with a cain came towards the entity beside her.

"We know who you are, dream of the endless."

Yulana froze. Dream of the endless was a very powerful being, and very much more powerful than her.

"Is it in your power to bring my son back, we wanted to trap death, but obviously that didn't work; it even brought an extra companion for you," he waited for dreams answer, before sighing, "if you can't do that for me, what can you do? If I promise to give you back your tools and set you free, will you give me something; wealth, power, money , immorality, anything?"

The man grew agitated as he waited for a reply, but the dream lord stayed silent, obviously not wanting to speak.

Having realised the dream king wouldn't speak, he turned to Yulana.

"So, how about you, grant me an immense sum of good luck and I will let you go, how does that sound." She could here the impatience in his voice.

Her thumped his cain on the round and stormed up the basement stairs, leaving a young boy behind to gaze at the two of you before he too ran after the man with the cane.

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