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The song is necessary pls listen to it cause it's giving these vibes***

Skeppy sat in bed, pondering. Just staring at the ceiling, eyes empty. Brain empty. Skeppy was thinking about nothing. Poopy jumped onto the bed, startling him out of his trance.

Poopy barked. Skeppy looked at him in confusion. "What am I forgetting?" he pondered.

Skeppy checked his calendar. To see if there was anything important he had to do today or tomorrow. He looked at the date and noted, "Oh, there's a full moon today." "THERE'S A FULLMOON TODAY!" Skeppy half yelled.

Whenever there was a full moon, Bad went bonkers. He started giggling madly, licked his lips, and He also gave Skeppy this really weird look. His fangs were especially evident during this time. 

In fact, to prevent anything, Bad told Skeppy always to lock the door, as Bad had no control over himself. Or at least that's what he told Skeppy.

Skeppy leaped out of bed and checked his clock. "Oh fuck, Oh fuck."He repeated internally. It was 9:00 pm. Skeppy had never experienced what would happen if he didn't lock the door, but he didn't want to know.

He had just slipped out of bed hoping that Bad hadn't slipped out so he could lock his door when a dark hand slipped around the corner and clutched onto the doorframe like in a horror movie. ( RUN BITCH)

Skeppy trembled when Bad came out from behind the corner. He walked confidently, but unlike his usual self, his hips swayed a bit when he walked.

And the most noticeable thing was his eyes glowed white in the low lighting, and they looked at Skeppy with lust. He had his mouth turned up into a mischievous smirk. "Ohhhhh Skepppyy~" he cooed.

As Skeppy thought he knew what the demon wanted, he gulped. He remembered something that Bad told him a while ago "What type of demon am I? " "Oh I'm an Incubus!" He had said, but they kinda just brushed past it after that.

Now facing the lustful eyes, the swinging tail, and the quivering ears He would probably pay attention to Bads rules for the rest of his life.

As Bad approached Skeppy, Skeppy backed up further and further until the back of his knees bumped into the bed, when that happened he sat down on the bed, and Bad never stopped approaching him.

When Bad reached the bed He gently pushed Skeppy down into a lying down position. He simultaneously crawled onto Skeppy and straddled his waist with his thighs. He bent down and whispered "Is this okay~"  His voice sent shivers down Skeppy's spine. It was sultry and lustful.

"y-yes" Skeppy managed to stutter out. Bad bit Skeppys ear gently and whispered "good boy~"

"U-uhm Blue?" Skeppy said(ofc you blue bitch).

And with that Bad set off to work kissing Skeppys lips. He licked them asking for entry, Skeppy being an ass, didn't open. They stared at each other for a few seconds. Skeppy grinned a shit-eating grin.

In those seconds Bad's tail wrapped around and tightened around Skeppy's thigh. The pointy end of his tail pressed into Skeppys thigh making Skeppy open his mouth in a gasp of surprise which allowed Bad to slip into Skeppys mouth. Bad being a demon had a longer tongue giving him more places to go. And lemme tell you he went to all of them. He roamed around like he was looking for something. Skeppy occasionally moaned into the kiss from the feeling of Bads tongue down his throat. 

(this a reminder that Bad is sitting on top of Skeppy nearish to his crotch area he's leaning over Skeppy so he has an arm to either side of Skeppys head. and he's straddling his waist with his thighs.)

After Bad was satisfied with that he went to take off Skeppys hoodie. Bad then leaned over further and started to bite and suck on Skeppys jawline leaving a trail of purple hickies and angry red marks.

Skeppy moaned a bit but nothing too major until... Bad found his sweet spot. "T-there~ Bad"  Gahh~ MmMhh~"

Bad abused the spot thoroughly sucking, biting, and, licking it drawing more moans from the diamond hybrid.

When Bad looked to see how his work looked he approved. Bitemarks and hickeys littered  Skeppys neck And Chest. Skeppy himself was Panting and red-faced.

Bad loved to look at Skeppy all the time, but this was his favorite view of him small, defenseless, accessible, and vulnerable. It made Bad want him.

Bad bent over to whisper into Skeppy's ear "Sorry not sorry~" Bad said in a sing-song tone 

Skeppy cocked his head to the side confused as to what Bad meant until he felt pain. It was his left shoulder. He realized  He inhaled to shout out in pain when he felt a strong hand clap over his mouth. "Bad!" he realized he craned his neck to see what was happening.

He saw Bad his soft lips pressed against his collarbone, but more noticeably he was biting Skeppy. Hard.

Skeppy's eyes started to water. It hurt so bad But it also felt so good  " Aggh~ B-bad?" 

"Yes, puppy~?"Bad said after he had finished his work. Once where there was clear skin was now a bite mark angry, red, and dribbling blood. Skeppy flushed at the nickname, "C-ca-" "Mmhh geppy you taste so good~." Bad said interrupting Skeppy.

Skeppy flushed even brighter all the while Bad was licking his wound the blood staining his lips and tongue crimson. Taking a finger and lightly scratching Skeppys chest not enough to break skin but hard enough to make angry red lines, Bad spelled something on Skeppy's chest "Bad's followed up by a giggle from the  incubus

Bad giggled to himself " See here Skeppy you belong to me, only me ~!"  Skeppy nodded in response face red a tomato. 

Bad grabbed Skeppy's chin  "Skeppy we use our words!" Bad said. He managed to sound whiny but commanding. At the same time."Now say it!~" "Say you belong to me, please.~"Bad whined.

 Skeppy was not going down so easily though. Suddenly Skeppy grabbed Bad's waist and shoulder and flipped him over so that he was on top and just as quickly he removed Bad's hand from their previous placements and relocated them to Bad's wrists which were quickly pinned down to his sides.

"Agh~" Bad moaned surprise in his glowing eyes, they quickly faded back to lustful again deciding to let Skeppy have his fun. Skeppy removed his hands from Bads wrists "You'll listen to me now." Skeppy said; sending shivers down Bad's spine. 

Something faded in Bad's eyes the dominance was gone and now they looked softer. "G-gkeppy can you do it already?" Bad asked timidly  "Do what bad~" Skeppy cooed lust in his eyes.

                                                               "Skeppy please touch me I need you~"


Time rn: 4:27 am

Midnight(skephalo Smut)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang