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Bad woke up in his beds sore, but he couldn't remember why. He brushed it off as just random pains and turned around in his bed and froze. There lay Skeppy peacefully snoring and drooling on the pillows. All the memories from last night came back in one big rush. He felt so many emotions at once it was hard to untangle them all so he didn't try. He then decided it was too early for this and stood up to make some coffee, or at least he tried to his legs failed underneath him and he crashed to the floor with a yelp. 

His legs jittered so badly it was like someone put hornets in a jar and then shook them up. Unfortunately the fall woke Skeppy up with a start. He whipped his head around looking for the sources of the noise still half asleep. He finally spotted Bad sitting on the floor fidgeting with his tail nervously.

Skeppy,realizing what happened stood up to help support Bad. They went to the kitchen counter and sat down together in awkward silence. They were like that for about 5 minutes until Bad couldn't take it anymore; he teared up burrowing his head into Skeppy's chest. "I'M SO SORRY THIS WAS ALL MY FAULT I REALLY DIDN'T MEAN TO PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME SKEPPY" He bawled into Skeppy who patted his back reassuringly. Bad looked up sniffling and Skeppy cupped his face with his hands. "Its alright Bad, Your'e okay I would never leave you on purpose" Skeppy said coolly trying to help the demon calm down . "I love you too much for that" He said affectionately.

Bad looked up surprise in his white eyes "I-I love you too Skeppy" He said a loving smile replacing the frown that was there a few minutes ago. With that he cupped Skeppy's face lovingly and there faces go closer and closer until there lip touched very gently,and very softly. It wasn't Lustful,but instead  loving and soft. They pulled apart nuzzling there noses for a second before Skeppy said "now let me make you some breakfast." Bad knew he would burn it but he just smiled and nodded softly.


Midnight(skephalo Smut)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora