Chapter 2: Don't Mind Me

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The cold air continued to grow.

Even the ground frosted over as the street lights began to die.

Harry sat in the darkness.

Small puffs of steam left his mouth as his breathing slowed. He could slowly feel himself gain control.

He licked his lips. It was odd how quickly the sun set below the horizon.

Unnatural, especially for a summer day.

But it didn't matter.

Harry struggled to his feet. Slipping slightly on the ground.

His mind began to settle, what was left of his.... Incident... was just a subtle ringing in his ears. It was nothing.

He probably just hit his head.

Under more reasonable circumstances, he would be intensely suspicious of this.

But the truth was; he just didn't have the brain power to be careful right now.

Whatever had just happened (A panic attack? A Mental shutdown? External Trigger?), had shaken him.

Right now, he just wanted to get back to Privet Drive.

He stumbled forward, not bothering to see if Dudley was still there. His eyes began to adjust to the darkness.

A few muggles strode by, all moved quickly and without hesitation. Apparently, it wasn't weird to break down into a mental fit on the sidewalk.

Stupid Muggles probably just thought that he was another crazy person, and if they heard the false rumors that his Aunt and Uncle spread about him and assumed he was a "Criminally Insane" Boy, then perhaps this wasn't odd at all.

Harry shook himself.

It would be best just to forget this whole incident. If the universe wanted him to know what was going on, then he would. Who was he to challenge his fate?

With that, the last of the ringing subsided into silence.

With great effort, he began to look around. His eyes stung painfully.

He began to feel an overwhelming feeling of dread. All of a sudden, It felt like things would never be happy again.

His breath shook.

Sadness began to creep up on him again.

Harry pressed his back against the tunnel wall.

All around him, Muggles bore similar faces of Sorrow, and yet none of them seemed as shaken as him.

It felt like the world was ending. Replaced only by a void of sadness.

What happens next-


Perhaps it was luck, or maybe some instinct kicked into him.

But at at that moment, all Harry Potter could think was-


He fumbled for his wand. Watching as the muggles passed by, unaware that a Dementor would soon descend on them.

"DEMENTOR!" He screamed. "GET OUT, RUN!"

His words had no effect on them. One Muggle even handed him 20 pounds and left him with the words- "Go get some help, take a Taxi to the nearest Mental Hospital. I know a wonderful Phycologist."

Harry threw the money to the ground the second they left.


It was just like Voldemort all over again.

Something was going to happen, and yet no one was going to listen.

And for it, they were all going to die.

"DUDLEY!!!! DUDLEY!!!" Harry screamed, suddenly desperate to find his cousin. His head whipped around the crowd.

The dementor was getting closer, he could feel it.

The ringing in his head slowly returned.

His eyes locked into the sight of Dudleys fat behind, impressive as it was for his Cousin to be remotely stealthy, Harry had other things to worry about.

The palm of his hand met with Dudleys shirt. Within moments Harry had Dudley pinned to the back of the wall.


After Harry's panic attack, Dudley seemed too afraid of him to move, he sunk to the ground. From the distance, it looked like he was having a seizure.

Harry began to feel like a loose canon, his shoulders shook violently.

He had begun to draw a bit of a crowd.

A few moments later, it finally arrived.

Part of him was relieved that it was here. At least this way, Harry knew that he wasn't crazy.

It's dark robes swept away all joy and happiness. A few muggles started to walk away, some even came inches within the Dementors reach.

Only a few stayed, but they too began to shiver.

The ringing in his ears increased in volume.

He could see them, he could see Ron and Hermoine.

His lips opened, forming the patronus charm. Yet just as he was about to yell out the spell... he stopped.

Something held him back.

Ron and Hermoine's faces turned ugly. They hissed and snarled at him.

He could hear their voices... they taunted him.

"Shut up, Shut up! Expectio Patronm!" He yelled desperately.

Pain closed around him. He was about to die.

The light flickered around him.

He had one last chance, and he wasn't going to waste it. The Patronus charm wasn't the only one he knew. Luckly there were other spells in his arsenal.

As his knees hit the hard concrete, he raised his wand.

He had to get rid of the dementor, if the Patronus wasn't going to work, surely another spell would.

"Bombardia" Harry muttered.

And with that, he watched as the dementor disappeared. The spell traveled right through its robes...

and hit Dudley Dursley.

A scream passed through his mind, he wanted to yell, he wanted to cry, but besides the panicked muggles, the only noise he heard was a laugh. It passed fluidly through his lips; it was a noise that would not sound out of place alongside Voldemort. 

Harry's skull was going to split open.

He watched as his cousin slammed against the wall. His head gave a sickening crack as he fell to the street.

Blood began to pool around his motionless corpse.

And with that, the last reasonable thought that Harry James Potter had was-

Hah... I'm going to hell.

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