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The events

I was getting ready to do my make-up on my face, looking in the mirror until San kissed my neck, "San, stop!" I pulled him away from me, made him sulk, and sat on the bed with his head looking down on the floor.

I looked at him through the reflection of the mirror. I got up and went to him and said, "Sannie!" I called him, but he went looking away from me.

I went to grab his chin to face me. "Sannie, I'm sorry!" I apologized, but he still sulks.

I grabbed his face to kiss him. At first, he's not replying to the kiss, but when I let my hand unbuttoned half of his shirt for me to caress his chest, he kissed me back and pulled me closer.

I was smiling through the kiss, and then we pulled away. I went to fix his tie. "Done!" I said, and he went to place a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I love you, my wife!" He said, hugging me, and I hug him back. "I love you too, my husband, so much!" I reply him back, Give a kiss on his cheek.

"Are we ready?" San Ask, made me nod and grab my handbag. "How do I look? Am I pretty?" I ask him while fixing my dress.

He went to me and said something that made me blush, "You always look beautiful, my wife, especially in your red color!" He whispered in my ear, giving a peck to my cheeks and winking.

He went out and left our bedroom. I followed him after and saw that he was holding Seungcheol in his arms. "Mummy!" Seungcheol called me and opened his hand for me to get him.

I took him from San, and I went to get Seungcheol stuffed from Lala.

"Thank you, Lala, for helping me pack seungcheol stuff!" I thanked her and she just said, "Your welcome, Miss Choi!".

"Please take care of the house, Lala, don't let any strangers come to the house!" San said to the maid, and she just nodded.

"No need to wait for us, ok?" He said, smiling before leaving. We went to the car, and San took Seungcheol from me, put him on the baby seat, which was at the back.

"Good boy!" San pointed at Seungcheol's nose, making him sneeze.

We drove off to San's parents house. I took Seungcheol with me while bringing his stuff.

After the second bell rings, the door finally opens, revealing Mrs. Choi, "Y/N, San, come inside!" Mrs. Choi led us inside.

We all sit on the couch while I give Seungcheol to Mom. "Oh, is it today? The events?" Mrs. Choi asked, and San just nodded his head in reply.

"Mom, we're sorry, we should go now!" San makes an excuse. "It's okay, San, as long as mom can spend more time with baby boy Seungcheol!" Mrs. Choi replied happily, making y/n lips turn to smile.

We bid our goodbyes and gave a kiss to Seungcheol before we left. San went drove off the car while his hand made its way to my thigh and squeezed it. 

"San, focus, please! I don't want to die yet!" I scolded him and it made him chuckle. "You know, babe, you always look sexy in red, and your body keeps calling me to touch it!" San groaned.

My hand slowly went to his lap, rubbing it smoothly. "Hold it first, honey!".

He was focusing on driving until they both arrived at their destination. They both get out of the car.

San gave me his arm for me to hold with smile never leave his face.

"You're so cute!" I mumbled, but he heard, "I can be cute right now, but I can be bad in bed tonight!" He said made me stare at him while he took the chance to peck on my lips.

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