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The next day, I woke up still in San arms and looked at the time on my phone, it's already 6.30 a.m.

I slowly push San's hand away from me and went to the boys room. I slightly shook Seungcheol until he woke up. 

"Baby, wake up!" I said while he rubbed his eyes cutely.

I then took him shower and after he finished getting ready, I told him to have breakfast downstairs. "Mommy, showering serim first, okay, baby?" I told him and he nodded.

"Let's get bathe, my baby!" I place Serim in the baby bathtub and shower him. "Alright, baby, we're done!" I said, made him giggle and clap with his tiny hands.

After Serim finished, I brought him to our bedroom. San was already getting ready while fixing his tie.

"Sannie, can you take care of Serim for a bit? I want to take shower!" I said and gave him serim, "Alright, baby!" He said.

San was playing with Serim while tickling him, which made him laugh, which can be heard by y/n from the bathroom.

After finally finishing taking shower, she got ready and wore her comfort outfit of the day.

We went downstairs while San held Serim in his arm and let his son sit on his lap while feeding him.

Seungcheol has already finished eating his breakfast. "Seungcheol, let's go, Daddy sent you to school!" San said.

"Wait, hun, don't you want to eat breakfast first?" I ask while he gives me serim and I take him. San gives a peck on my lips. "It's okay, baby. I can have breakfast later at work, but can I get dinner tonight in bed?" He leaned in close to my ear, flirting, which made me blush.

San brought Seungcheol to his car, "Bye, your brother and daddy, serim a~!" I waved serim hand at them.

"Later, mommy, pick you up, baby!" I said made him just give a good sign with his thumb. They then drove off.

"Lala, can you help me pack serim stuff for me?" I ask her and she nods, "Yes, ma'am!".

I brought Serim with me to the living room while waiting for Lala. "Lala, take care of the house, okay?" I said before leaving, "Sure, ma'am!" She answered me.

I placed Serim on the baby seat in the back seat, then I drove off to mom's house.

I ring the bells until mom opens the door.

"Y/N!" She said, but she took serim first from me. "Really, mom? Are you forgetting about your daughter already?" I said pretend to be sad.

"Serim, look at your mommy. Your mommy get jealous!" Mom told Serim. Mom brought him inside, I went inside then mom let me sit on the couch while she still held Serim.

"How's Seungcheol doing?" Mom asks, "Yeah, he's great, mom, San sent him to school today!" I told her, "Oh, he's in school already?" Mom was surprised, and it made me chuckle, "Yes, mom!".

"I really miss him!" Mom said. "Don't worry mom, once public holidays, I will bring him with me and go here to meet with you!" I said made her smile.

"Y/n? Where's your husband and  Seungcheol?" Father asks from the back who's getting out from kitchen.

"Oh Father! San is working, and Seungcheol is in school!" I said, and father nodded his head.

I was with mom until it was time to pick Seungcheol up from school. 

"Mom, father! We have to go now, I have to pick Seungcheol up at school." I said and they nodded.

"Pass on my regards to San and Seungcheol!" Father said. "Sure, father!" I smile. "And don't forget to give a kiss to Seungcheol from his grandma!" Mom told me and I just nodded, "Will do, mom!".

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