Chapter 5: The Get Together

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(After the little "conversation" with Hawks eye the 3 sayian's went to there schools as we seen at the end that The Amazon trio wanted to plot a way to defeated the sayians but little did they know that these 3 aren't your average sayians, we fast forward to the high school where the 2 twins Shallot and Giblet attend sitting in class quietly thinking about he (hawks eye) said)

Giblet: Even though Hawks eye was weak as shit I still feel like he's gonna pull off some dirty trick to try and fool me shallot and beat, Even though I doubt it's gonna happen, we can't let our guards down if we do it'll be trouble..

Ami: Giblet looks stressed out, it can't be because it's the second day or that someone is bullying him

(Lunch time)

Shallot: Giblet you was looking kinda stress back there are you thinking about that ugly flamingo Hawks eye?

Giblet: I feel like that he'll make a dirty move to throw us off guard and do unforgivable things to hurt people especially mom we can't let him hurt mom shallot.

Shallot: *Pssh* dude please he didn't look that strong he was WEAK AS F*CK don't worry about him

Giblet: Mmmm Fine I guess your right

Mina: Uh hey Giblet how do you feel?

Giblet: I'm feeling fine, why what's wrong?

Mina: U-Ummmm n-no-nothing you looked stressed during class and you was quite tense, you had me a little worried...

Giblet: Damn did I scare her? I wish I thought about mina earlier when I was stressing out, Damnit I guess relaxing is the way

Giblet: Ah sorry that I had you worried Mina, just ran into a little trouble on the way here

Mina: Oh it's fine, how's the lunch btw?

Shallot: Better then our old schools lunch even doe it wasn't bad it doesn't top Crossroads junior highs lunch's this is amazing

Giblet: As much as I wanna punch my brother in the face for rudely interrupting me, He is right this is top tier Delicious even though it doesn't beat mothers cooking

Mina: *giggles* you guys remind me so much of Serena

Shallot: Serena?

Giblet: Serena?

Mina: Serena is a friend of mine most people say we kinda look alike but she has long yellow pigtails which is why some people call her Meatball head because she has little spheres that looks like meatballs.

Shallot: Meatball head? that's lame who would think of a childish nickname like that?

Mina: Hmmmm well her boyfriend Darien before they was even a couple thought of the nickname he even called her dumpling head a few times soo yea hehe

Giblet: Her boyfriend call her that before they was even a couple? Wow dude went from a bully to bullying ones who would even dare to lay a finger on her.

Shallot: Man no kidding

Ami: So I've heard you 2 had a little brother? How old is he?
(Where the hell, you know what Ian even gonna ask)

Shallot: Guess our teacher told you, Beat is 10 and is in the 5th grade at the Elementary school here

Ami: Oh then he'll be good friends with Rini

Giblet: Rini?

Ami: She also goes to the school here in the District so she might know your brother she's really nice sometimes to Serena because they're cousins hehe

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