Chapter 7: Beat Takes Action

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We head in to a new chapter and a new day as our Trio and Senshi all meet up at school but each Sayian of the trio had to deal with more enemies that happens to every school, Bullies. Our trio has to deal with the bullies that messes with the friends of the sailor Senshi. We now see more action go on in the story, right now.

It was 7:41 in the Moring as Beat and his friend Rini are on there way to school with Rini's friends Momoko,Kyuusuke and Hotaru as they see some bratty kids that go to the same school as them as they act not to see them Beat wanted to test his new Marital arts and Karate skills that his brothers taught him and thought he used it in the Delinquents but He needed to wait till he was either heavily provoked or harassed.

Rini: OKAY IM OFF SEE YOU GUYS LATER! Alright guys let's go, School here we come.

Everyone else: RIGHT!

They head off

Kyuusuke: So beat what do you think of Juban and the school district so far?

Beat: It's awesome I love it compared to my old school It's very neat and well organized the students here are very nice and cool too other then that rich horses ass Cyrus, overall it's amazing.

Momoko: Cyrus?

Kyuusuke: Heisenman?

Hotaru: Who's that?

Rini: The most annoying perverted kid in Juban that gets anything he wants mostly because of his stupid daddy and his money, he's tried so many times to take down the place over at Serena's friends house where the long steps is and he's failed so many times it's ridiculous yet he still comes back to take over. He was there the other day with me, Serena the other girls and Beat and his 2 brothers Shallot and Giblet but thankfully beat scared him and his henchmen off.

Kyuusuke: How did he do that?

Rini: well, (Suddenly Rini remembers the roar of Beat transforming into a Super Sayian, she still has that exact image the moment he transformed.) He used a fake spider that scared him off hehe as his brothers used snakes which caused him to faint and leave it was funny.

Beat and Rini: I hope they catch on to that

Momoko: Wow, cool I'm glad that jerk got what he deserved and I hope he never messes with you again, Promise me Beat to protect Rini from that jerk again whenever I'm not around please🥺.

Beat: Sure I'll have Kyuusuke and my brothers prank him again.

Kyuusuke: I do warn you though beat there is some bullies around here, I never told The other 3 these things but, there's some real jerks out here our age probably a little older at least 13 at max and 8 at the minimum. A friend of mine was bullied by a 12 year old a long time ago and the bully just wouldn't leave him alone and forced him to move, I still see him but not as much as I used to because he moved to a different school 40 minutes away from me, You might think the school district is nice It is don't get me wrong but for some reason they didn't wanna help my friend, I was so mad I wanted to confront the bully  myself so I did but there was 5-6 of them coming after me by the time I got there they was ready to pound me to the ground (Pause) I was scared for my life and ran away as fast as I could, I never told my mom nor dad what happened. Till this day I never knew if they found out where I lived. Though I did hear one went to Juve, 2 Moved away 1 Stayed

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