🔸️1. M.S🔸️

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" M.S " a female voice disturbed his noon nap.

"M.S " the melodious voice called again, albeit a little hesitant now.

Ayansh wondered if the girl knew that she was insulting him by calling M.S.
Some people did that. Some genuinely didn't know the full form of the nickname bestowed upon him by his former friend cum ex boyfriend.

There was a time he blushed hearing M.S. , 'my star ' it was endearing.
Now, M.S. evokes same red tint on his cheeks, just a different emotion — rage that anyone would experience being referred as ' money slut'.

To test her, he intentionally took his time to answer. Raising his head, he stretched his left arm that he had used as pillow, and clenched and uncleached his fingers, rotated the wrist in circular motion while trying to put a name to the girl.

The girl infront of him was neither short nor tall, but she had those big , almond shaped eyes that he would have remembered had he seen her before. It was whole two months in to new semester yet he didn't know all freshers, it was bad for his business. Committing her button nose and full lips to his memory, he vowed to remedy  his error.

After doing a full routine of spine stretching and neck massage, he finally voiced out.

" What is your name ? "

" Ru...Ruhi " she stuttered. " I am sorry ...I will come back later"

Looks like his reputation preceeded him. ' Prickly son of bitch 'that is what his department fondly adressed him.

Taking an intentional pause he observed the girl , she was standing quietly, by the side of his desk, more and more uncomfortable by each passing second, her feet tapping inaudibly while she bit her lip. A boy, perhaps her friend was also standing silently at his side.

" What's the matter ? " Ayansh asked.

" Sorry..." The girl squeaked, almost at the verge of crying.

" What may I help you with Ruhi? " Ayansh mellowed his baritone.

" Assignment " she squeaked.

" whi—" He quickly slapped his palm over his mouth, barely restraining a yawn.

The girl jumped " Sorry. I will come again, later. " she turned to leave but stood rooted to the spot as Ayansh raised hand, palm flat, to stop her.

His lips twitched but he held his smile. The girl looked like she would be anywhere but here. His stare had that effect on people.

" Its okay. I am awake anyways." Ayansh waved dismissively. " Spill"

" I ....I need help ...tutoring actually " the girl stuttered.

" which semester? " he asked, just to make sure she wasn't a y.d. student.

" second  " she stuttered and Arthit smirked. Yep. Year dropped.

" That's 3000 per subject . No bargaining. "

The girl remained silent.

" how may subjects are you lagging in ? " Arthit asked.

The girl casted her eyes down, her toes dug the tiles in vain while she bit his lips.

" How may subjects ? "

" please be her boyfriend sir. " The boy spoke up.

Ayansh's eyes flew open " excuse me . "

" I can pay you advance sir ... I have 8000 right now . Rest I will pay in installments. " The unnamed boy took out bundles of crisp looking 500s.
Ayansh remained dumbstruck, staring slack-jawed at the incredulity.

Tug of War : Brain VS Heart Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz