chapter two: belladonna

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the flower of silence

M/n now had the entire host club infatuated with his behaviour. He, of course, caught the eye of two special people. That's why we're here after all. But I find myself curious as to why Tamaki nor Kaoru ever thought to go searching for a special someone.

No, instead they found themselves bewildered by someone they barely even knew.

It was perhaps that reason that they showed such interest. Everyone they met always loved them so much; to the point that they (the guests) would do anything for the hosts. But this person, no, he wouldn't do a thing.

It wasn't that m/n was a particularly cold or distant person, certainly not like Kyoya. Maybe it was the way he smelled. Yes, of course, that must've been it. They were infatuated with the way he smelled...

and spoke, and walked and talked and—

This could go on for a while.

Well, Tamaki thought he was in love. Tamaki always thought he was in love. First Kyoya, then Haruhi and now this stranger. It was an obvious string of self-deterioration that was obvious to the general public. Unfortunately, he himself was the only oblivious one.

Kaoru on the other hand had no idea how to feel about his, well, feelings. They were this unknown germ infesting his brain and he didn't care much for it. It was a nuisance. Maybe he liked it?

It was all too confusing. The only thing the two could count on in this world was the consistency of his visits. Every day, 4 pm on the dot. Like clockwork, he came through the door, two flowers in his hand.

Silently, he passed them both their respective flowers. Were they different? They didn't know. Tamaki didn't really care. Kaoru on the other hand was always one for uniqueness and originality. He wanted to be the only one who occupied someone's mind.

That, obviously, was not the case and now he was stuck sharing with the prince of ouran.

"What'd you get?" Kaoru asked, dropping all formality he would usually uphold in front of the clients.

"Belladonna." In response to someone's question, one would usually reciprocate with another question to make an interesting conversation. The simple fact that Tamaki did none of those things irked him even more.

Before Kaoru could continue with his saltiness, the doors opened with another guest. Just like always, Kyoya greeted the person with open arms and a smile. It was a habit.

Only, when he opened his eyes, instead of being met with the usual squeals and delights of a teenage girl's fantasy, there was a flower. Belladonna, he quickly recognized. A beautiful one with the most poisonous properties.

Kyoya stopped paying attention to m/n's antics a few days after since it got boring. As did most of the host club. Honey is the exception. This was the only prompting he needed to get back into the situation.

Tamaki and Kaoru watched from nearby. Tamaki was biting his nails and Kaoru was basically shaking his hands every few seconds. The duo truly didn't know how they came to care so much for the male. It was too much of a blur. They didn't particularly mind it though.

As well as the two of them not knowing how to react, and neither did Kyoya. Before he knew it, he was holding a mauve flower in his hands. Surprisingly enough, he couldn't bring himself to let go of it. It seemed too precious.

That was until Tamaki body slammed him into the floor after m/n's disappearance through the large doors.

"Are you trying to take him away from me?!"

"Us." Kaoru quickly corrected the blond. The latter male scoffed lightly under his breath and relocated his attention to his best friend. (Or his ex-best friend now that he was trying to take away his "boyfriend".)

The ravenette also quickly got his bearings back and brushed Tamaki off like a piece of dust. "I wasn't under the assumption he was yours to take."

"You little—"

"He's right, Tamaki." Haruhi, one who had been watching the scene unravel before her, whispered slyly. There weren't very many chances to tease her upperclassman in such a devious scenario as this.

"I - You - We—"

"Wow, such nice pronouns. You should be an English teacher by now." Hikaru snickered, poking his fun at the flaming grizzly that was Tamaki.

"Shut up!"


From behind the brightly coloured doors, a shadow loomed. He meant to leave. He truly had better things to do with his life. His solitary life. But there was something keeping him dead in his spot. It was keeping his feet solidified to the ground, unable to move. 

It was unnatural. He didn't like it. Maybe he would have to stop sooner rather than later. 

Who am I kidding? If I tell you that you can't have something, it would just make you want it more right? Well, this is no different. Just how far out of reach are they... 

𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩; KAORU HIITACHIN & TAMAKI SUOHHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin