chapter eight: white tulip

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white tulip 

flower of  sorrow 

Nothing made sense to the Host Club when two of their members suddenly disappeared. Much less without a trace. Kyoya had every man he could supply out searching for them. Never had he had felt so hopeless. With the School Board along with Chair master Suoh breathing down his neck, he needed to find Tamaki. He needed to find his best friend.

Kyoya was the one leading the search financially, but everyone put in their respective parts. Especially Hikaru. God, the looks he received were so pitiful it hurt to look.

'It's such a shame what happened to his brother, isn't it?'

'I can't imagine how he feels.'

'Have they found a body?'

It took every ounce of strength in him not to barrel towards these strangers. To yell at them until is his voice was too hoarse to make any coherent words. To beg them not to say such things about his brother. Because his brother was alive. He had to be, didn't he? Kaoru must have had a good reason to flee Ouran Academy, to flee his family.

Hikaru was poked and prodded for any information retaining their whereabouts. The entire host club was brought down to lawyers' offices, to police stations, forensic detectives, and homicide detectives. Did they notice anything strange about their behaviours, any similarities?

All 5 students kept their mouths shut. They were under strict orders from Chair master Suoh to keep Ouran Academy's name out of this case as much as possible. No one from the Academy could even be looked at suspiciously or it would be Kyoya's neck on the line.

They didn't need to lose another friend. But they all knew what the common thread was. An idiot could figure it out. Hopefully, the police were simply even dumber than they imagined.

But in Hikaru's eyes, no one was doing enough. He understood the consequences of talking to the police about it all, but nothing was going to stop him from finding his brother. Therefore, as any logical person would do, he called a private detective and gave him any information he had on the two. (More specifically Kaoru. How he could never do anything like this, he had to have been taken against his will).

Finally, after a very long 24 hours, he got a call on his burner phone from the PI. (Maybe it was over dramatic to only use a burner phone, but he wouldn't run the risk of losing Kyoya and his task force). It was an update, however small, but it turns out that m/n l/n was not an official student of Ouran Academy. That's why no alarm bells had been raised at his sudden disappearance.

M/n had also recently requested medical help at his house. Two beds, two ekgs, two of everything. There was no doubt that's where his brother was being held. Quickly, he scribbled the address given to him in a notebook, thanked the detective profusely, and called his host club friends to join him in rushing in as soon as possible.


"Kao—" His throat caught in a sob. It had only been a few days, but he knew he couldn't go through the pain of not knowing where his other half was.

As Kaoru collapsed into his brother's open arms, it was clear the feeling was mutual. Kaoru couldn't believe his eyes. In fact, no one in that room could believe was they were seeing. 3 men, barely, old enough to even be described as such, faced the esteemed host club with what could only be described as sorrow. It poured out of Tamaki's eyes, yet no one seemed to believe it.

"What the hell did you do to my brother?"

Hikaru's sharp voice cut through any tension in the air. It didn't disappear, it just split right down the middle.

"Nothing of ill-intention, I assure—" Another sharp sound; different this time. Skin hitting skin, as Kyoya slapped m/n with all of his force. Yet, no mark formed on the elder's face.

Tamaki held onto his best friend's wrist, inches away from it hitting the man he loved. (God, could he really call it that? Father would be disgusted, Tamaki thought.) Kyoya looked at the blond with a betrayal he hadn't yet seen before. In all of their years of communicating through eye contact, Tamaki wished he could un-see it.

"You have no right to speak to him that way, Kyoya."

It would have been deathly silent in the room if it wasn't for the four people behind them bustling to take care of an unconscious Kaoru. The ginger boy was silently tossed around like a rag doll until he was put in the back of the (unnecessarily) large limo. For the first time, Haruhi and Tamaki locked eyes. Another unspoken bond ruptures at the seams. They glanced back at the blond, holding him there for just a second more, before breaking away to help their friend.

M/n stood beside him protectively, as he vowed to do for as long as he could. Another bond was forming, however, this one was slightly more artificial than anything Tamaki had experienced. Not like he would know the difference. He would never know the difference so long as he hugged himself and m/n was there to hold him. Not when he sobbed into his shoulder, too overwhelmed to begin understanding the emotions that he felt in that moment.

Tamaki would never dare think twice about the man leading him back into a bed twice the size of the one he woke up in. This bed was slept in, day in and day out, by the same figure. It was m/n's bed and he was letting Tamaki stay in it. How generous, he gushed inwardly.

He crawled in, strands of blond seeping all over the once perfectly fluffed pillow. As a wealthy man, Tamaki had rarely felt an uncomfortable sleeping situation, but something was missing from this incomparable bedding.

"Please?" Tamaki raised his arm begrudgingly out of the comforter and towards m/n, inviting him in. It took everything in the man to not smile at the dopey grin Tamaki had plastered on his face. With a small roll of his eyes and a curt nod, m/n was curling up under the covers with the only man he wanted to be with. Well, one of them.

Letting out a satisfied hum, Tamaki let sleep overtake him once more. M/n was barely still awake before he heard his phone buzz in his pockets. Reminding him that he should put it to the side, he fished it out of his pockets and took a quick look before setting it down on the wooden bedside table.

Yuzuru Suoh
I'm glad everything worked out for the best
Received, 5:34 pm 

1128 words, here's september's chapter.
I'm working on a new one right now, but im wondering if I should post it next week (assuming i finish it tn) or as october's chapter. 

also lmk what ur thought are on the plot cus rn you're probably still in the dark lmfaoo

𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩; KAORU HIITACHIN & TAMAKI SUOHUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum