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Delilah's POV:

I was sitting in my room, as always, lying on my bed reading my favorite book of all time when my mother burst into my room, "Get up, I need you to get me and your father some cigs at the Grab n' Go. NOW!!" she screamed angrily when I didn't get up immediately. She walked out, slamming my door in the process. Of course, she wouldn't give me money to go buy her something, I don't know what I expected. I quickly jumped out of bed and marked the page I was currently on in my book, set it on my bed, grabbed my wallet and walked out of my room. As soon as I entered the living room, I smell cigarettes, BARF, but luckily no sign of my parents anywhere. They're probably out having fancy tea with their fancy friends acting like they're not alcohol addicts who abuse their daughter. I walk out my front door, locking it behind me, and begin the 15-minute walk to the Grab n' Go.

Robin's POV:

Vance, Finney, Bruce and I were sitting on a bench outside the Grab n' Go waiting for it to open back up. Vance beat some kid up for calling Finney a fag, as he should, so they had to close the store for a bit to clean up the... mess. Finn was to my right, and I was holding his hand while Bruce and Vance were to my left, Bruce holding Vance's hand as well as my other. 

The four of us have been friends since 4th grade and we're sophomores in high school now. We'd all been pretty close since we first met... a little closer than other regular friendships but we paid no mind to it. 4 months ago, on Vance's 16th birthday when me Finn, Bruce and I met him at the Grab n' Go to celebrate, he looked the 3 of us up and down before a huge smile engulfed his face. He then proceeded to tell us that we had the same soul-marks as him and were his soulmates. Our birthdays were all within the same 3 months, Finn's being 3 weeks ago. After Finn was able to see our soul-marks it was confirmed, and we were all soulmates. Not too much longer after that, the four of us officially started dating. We know it's frowned upon for boys to be dating let alone 4 boys dating each other, but we don't care, we love each other a lot.

Of course, we are all really happy to be with each other, but we can't help but feel like a part of us is missing. Thats because a part is missing, our 5th and final soulmate. We have no idea who they could be and surprisingly it's a lot harder to find them than we thought. Weve been looking for the past month and not a single sign of them. We thought it'd be much easier seeing as people don't normally have 5 soul-marks but noooo. Our 5th soul-mark is a book on all of our biceps, and I hope they're kind of shy and innocent. I know that sounds really creepy, but my boyfriends are all able to take care of themselves pretty well and I think it would be nice to finally have someone else to take care of and protect. I have a feeling my boys feel the same way.

As I'm relaxing on the bench with my amazing soulmates, boyfriends and best friends, I look towards the door of the Grab n' Go where a girl no taller than 5'1" with long brown hair half tied up with a cute little bow stands trying to open the door. She has gorgeous bright blue eyes slightly hidden by her bangs, a cute little button nose and a small pout on her beautiful face.

"Hey sweetheart, its closed because of a little... accident that happened, but it should open back up in around 10 minutes" I speak up, pulling her attention from trying to peer through the door. She jumps slightly, not realizing we were there. By now the mystery girl has the attention of Bruce, Finn, and Vance's as well as mine. 

She looks at us with wide doe like eyes not moving an inch. Her eyes scan over each of us until she just stands there staring for a bit. Once she realized what she was doing, we watch as she quickly looks down at her shoes, her hair falling and hiding her face slightly. "You alright there pretty girl" Bruce asks her in a sweet but slightly teasing tone causing her to blush. When she doesn't reply Finney speaks up, "We don't bite beautiful, while you wait you can sit with us, there's plenty of room", pointing to the spot Bruce and Vance had just created between us.

"I-uhm-uh are you sure? I don't want to intrude" she quietly stutters out still looking down at her feet. She has the most angelic, cute, soft voice, It's adorable. She goes to walk towards us when she trips over a gap in the sidewalk falling directly into Finn's lap.

Finney's POV:

I shake out of my thoughts about the adorable girl in front of me when she trips and falls directly into my lap. Out of instinct, I grab her waist and hold her in place. It felt so right to hold her this close, the only other people who felt this amazing to touch were my soulmates. Wait, could she be our 5th soulmate!? "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" she rushes out before quickly standing. She then sits down between Bruce and Vance keeping her head down. "Don't worry about it doll, it's no problem" I reply back.

Bruce's POV:

As I'm admiring her, I realize she's wearing a long sleeve shirt and jeans, it's 90 degrees out. HOW!? "What's your name gorgeous" I question. "Delilah. Delilah Higgins" she whispers back, still refusing to look up. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Vance speaks up, "Well I'm Vance, this is Bruce, Finney, and Robin" he points to each of us as he says our names.  I decide to express my concern and questions about her attire, "Well miss Delilah, what are you doing outside in 90-degree weather wearing long sleeves and pants? Hmm?" "I get cold super easily and I really hate being cold.", I can tell she's lying but I let it go as we just met her. We sit in silence for a couple more minutes all of us in thought.

Third Person POV:

It was safe to say the 4 boys thought little Delilah was an angel. She was gorgeous and they loved how short she was. They were all thinking about the possibilities of her being their final soulmate hoping she was. The only problem, they couldn't figure out if she was or not because of her sleeves and pants covering the places they could be. The 5 teens attention was soon drawn to the door of the Grab n' Go opening up and the sign reading closed was flipped to open. Delilah was up from her spot on the bench in no time, quickly disappearing into the store. She went to the counter and smiled at the kind woman who stood behind it.

"The regular today Ms. Higgins?" The older lady smiled at Delilah. "Yes please, thank you ma'am" Delilah responded quietly as she pulled out $3. "How many times have I told you to just call me Gretchen dear, please" she replied as she grabbed a pack of cigarettes from the shelf behind her and a Reese's peanut butter cup.  As she handed them to the teenager, Delilah placed the money in Gretchen's other hand. Delilah wasted no time in running towards the door, ready to begin her walk home. As she walked out the small girl told Gretchen to keep the change. As the door closes behind Delilah she turns and sees Finney, Bruce, Vance and Robin still sitting on the bench. Not forgetting her manners, she mutters "thank you for letting me sit with you and catching me when I tripped", the last part directed towards Finney. Before the boys could say anything back, she sped away leaving the 4 boys in thought about the absolute angel they just encountered. 

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