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In the darkness of the room, she tossed and turned restlessly.

Her head was full of loud voices and harsh words. Her heart ached as she willed them to silence.

She missed you. It was no secret. She wished things had been different.

Sure, she was no angel. But you? You took the term devil and ran with it.

"Fuck you! I don't need this shit! Make up your mind and get back to me. Or don't. I don't even care anymore!" She had screamed as you'd slammed out the house.

Oh how she regretted those words now. It had been 3 days. Noone had seen you. She hoped you hadn't sloped off to your previous bad habits. But this was you. It seemed almost certain. She half expected a police officer to turn up with news of you.

No. She had to shut down those thoughts. You were probably thinking it over... or drinking it over. Had you sought solace in the arms of another? The thought made her soul ache.

She had been so naive when you'd swept into her life like a tidal wave. You were gorgeous and fun and dangerous. You showed her things she had never thought of and never imagined possible. If danger was a lifestyle choice, you'd picked it.

Her mind wandered to the sex. Oh, the sex! She had never experienced such fulfillment. She hadn't known what a kink even was until you opened her eyes to the many wonders of the scene.

Even now, after all this, she wanted you to storm in and take her. Your lips and hands in a hurry to lay claim to every part of her. She was yours. Was...

A tear trickled down her cheek. Would you be somewhere with someone else doing just that? You said she was yours forever. And you hers... I guess forever doesn't last all that long.

The night you had promised that, you'd done your first knife play scene. She always knew of your fondness for them. She trusted you completely. It had been such a charged scene and the drop was real. As she negotiated it, you'd been soothing her gently.

"Mine." You'd whispered.

"Always." She'd replied.

You'd look at her with a devilish gleam in your eye.

"Always? That's a long time, lover. We don't deal in lies here.

She'd defiantly stuck her chin up to look you in the eye.

"Always. I'll prove it."

With that, she had cut a mark upon her hand with the nearby knife.

"Do the same." She urged.

You'd hesitated momentarily but you already knew. She was the one for you. She matched you perfectly. You'd cut a slit in your palm and pressed it to hers.


You'd both felt the air change around you. Something shifted inside. Bound by blood to each other for always.

She sobbed quietly.

"Please come back. Please." She murmured. "I can't do this alone. I'm sorry. I am. Stop punishing me."

She curled onto her side sobbing. Her breathing ragged. She settled into a fitful sleep.

You dropped your veil and watched her. Maybe she was right. You were punishing her. And what even for? For speaking the truth? You shook your head.

You had kept an eye on her the past 3 days. You guessed it was your own stubborness to admit the truth that had kept you hidden.

You watched her sleep - her breath still coming in little sobs as she slept. It hurt you down to your frozen core to see what you'd done to your love.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 ⏰

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