Episode 2 (Dodoria and Zarbon)

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Last time, Raditz and Goku got cornered by Dodoria and Zarbon! And now must fight them! And who are the Ginyu Force?

A spaceship heads towards Planet Frieza

Captain Ginyu- "get ready boys! This is our only shot at getting rid of the Frieza Force!"

(In this Rewrite, the Ginyu Force is a force of good, made to keep peace in the universe, they've constantly been getting surpressed by the frieza force)

Raditz starts knocking down Dodoria, Goku handles Zarbon, the 2 Saiyans are getting mauled, they aren't strong enough to compete against Dodoria and Zarbon, but then multiple soldiers come down from the skies, and they attack Dodoria and Zarbon

Goku-"what's going on?"
Raditz- "It's the Ginyu Force!"

Ginyu Soldier- "Zarbon and Dodoria! You are under arrest! We're sending you to the Galactic Patrol so they can see what to do with you"

Dodoria and Zarbon attempt to fight, they successfully kill multiple soldiers but then Dodoria gets shot, Zarbon transforms, but then raditz kicks him into the ground, Goku uses Kaioken and knocks out Zarbon, Dodoria and Zarbon get put into cages, the Ginyu Force soldiers start going everywhere on namek searching for Frieza Force Soldiers

Vegeta continues knocking down every soldier in sight before finding a dragon ball, he takes it

Piccolo gets a dragon ball, but the village they're in gets attacked, Piccolo and Krillin defend, Gohan gets everybody away, making sure everyone retreats

A all out war begins, Namekian soldiers around every corner, Frieza Force Soldiers blasting away, Ginyu Force Soldiers taking down all Frieza force soldiers

The Ginyu Squad gets deployed Captain Ginyu leads his allies into battle towards Frieza

Goku and Raditz take out a couple more soldiers before finding 2 dragon balls


Will the Z-Fighters find all the dragon balls? Will the Ginyu Squad defeat Frieza? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z!

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