Chapter 3

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    I was up very early the next morning I woke Roman up and told him he had to go to the house boat he had been staying in. The next thing I know Verone's goons are snooping around all of Tej's house boats I later found out Monica had snuck into Brian's place to tell him Verone plans to kill him and Roman after the run. Some how Monica got out without being caught but Verone told Brian and Roman his goons would be tagging along on the run. They went to meet with Bilkins and agent Markham and pretty much Markham told them they were not backing out of the assignment. I was furious at the fact they would rather catch Carter Verone than make sure Brian and Roman didn't die but I guess that's cops for you that's why we didn't like them. we rigged up two of the cars with ejections seats so Roman and Brian could ditch their unwanted passengers and planned a diversion so Markham's team wouldn't be on their tails the whole time. To say I was worried was an understatement while me and Brian had our problems I didn't wish him dead and well I've known Roman a long time and I didn't want anything to happen to him either. So instead of sitting around waiting to see what happens the night before I did the only other thing I'm good at besides racing and that was cooking I cooked Brian and Roman a meal. We ate together then Brian went to his place Roman and I stayed up a bit longer talking and Roman said " listen Reyna I know we were drunk the other night when we hooked up but if I make it through this run tomorrow can I take you out on a date?" I said "Roman if you don't die tomorrow I'll let you do a lot more than take me out" then I leaned in and kissed him. After that I went to my place and Roman went to his. All though I was never very religious I prayed that Brian and Roman would stay safe tomorrow we had gotten close I was glad to have a relationship with my brother but also I wanted to see where thing might go with Roman. I was only involved with the diversion tomorrow but I did not sleep well with the idea of having to of my friends murdered the next day. I had to hear the story second hand from Brian and Roman it turns out they were never going to the air strip and Verone had made Monica for a customs agent so he had intended to kill all of them that day at the diversion they switched into the the 2 cars we had equipped with the ejection seats but unfortunately Brian's didn't;t work so he had to get rid of his unwanted hues the old fashion way by beating him up. Instead of the airstrip Verone had a boat waiting and the only way for Brian to save Monica was to pull some duke's of hazard shit and jump his car onto the boat. Roman broke his arm in the process and it ended up being Monica who saved the guys ass again. Roman and Brian ended up stealing some of Verones money but hey you didn't expect them to see all that money and let it all go with out get something for themselves. Roman and Brian talked about opening a garage together but Brian ended up being recuited into the feds so Roman and I stayed in Miami for a while we worked at Tej's garage we raced honestly it was to freest I had ever felt. Before Brian left I did tell him that Roman and I were involved he tried to pull the dont hurt my sister crap and I said "Brian believe me if Roman does something. stupid I'll be the first to kick his ass" I had recently been in contact with Letty and Dom they were in the dominican republic and had created a new team and were running gas truck heist. I had intention oof going to meet them after miami but I also didn't intend to get involved with Roman either. Where I planned on going from here I didn't know but I was happy for the first time in a long time and by reecord was clean what more could I ask for.

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