Chapter 4

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I did stay in Miami for a while with Roman I worked with Tej and Suki and raced quit a bit. Roman and I got pretty serious for a while I actually found out I was pregnant after we had been together almost a year I ended up losing the baby not to long after even though the baby was a surprise I was devastated and that was when Roman and I began to come apart at the seems neither of us were good at processing our emotions and after two months of being at each others throats or not speaking at all I had enough I broke up with him and went to the Dominican to meet up with Letty and Dom. When I got there they were still running the gas truck heist with some new guys Huan, Tego and Rico guys they had meet along the way in Mexico. I didn't tell anyone about the baby I lost except Letty because she was my best friend and pretty much like my sister. Their team was pretty well set up I just filled in when necessary and worked on cars while there too. The very last heist they did was almost deadly and Dom had gotten word the cops were on to them he told Letty, the guys, and me we needed to split up. Letty was not doing that not without a fight and of course Dom knew that so he left in the middle of the night. When we got up the next day Letty was furious after I talked her down we decided to head back state side I told her we could get set up in Miami because I knew people there. One thing I didn't know is while I was in Miami and her and Dom were in the Dominican they had gotten married in a very small ceremony. We waited a few days then we headed back to Miami thankfully when we returned Roman wasn't there I still wasn't ready to face him. Letty stayed with me in Miami maybe two weeks and she took off I assumed she was headed home to LA I knew if she needed anything she would reach me. What I didn't know was she had reached out to Brian who was now working with the Feds and they worked out a deal that if she could get into Arturo Braga's gang and run his drugs and provide good intell to finally bring him in they would clean Dom's record and he could come home. Something else I didn't know was that would ultimately lead to her death. I got the call from Mia months later telling me Letty had been murdered I felt my knees buckle thankfully there was a counter top near me so I caught myself before I fell. Letty was the only family I had left whether we were together or apart I knew she was always out there and I could count on her to be there. I got on a plane and headed home to LA for the first time in years to bury my dearest friend I was only staying a few days so I was going to stay with Mia. I knew Dom was in town but I also knew he couldn't be seen so I didn't expect to see him at the grave site but I did in fact see my brother Brian with other FBI agents so that told me what he had been up to I planned to track him down after to see what he knew. I did I caught him before he went back into his building I said "Brian what do you know about Letty" he told me about Braga but he didn't tell me she was working for him. I was furious I wanted in but I didn't have a car out here to even get into the race where he picks his drivers. Dom and Brian both got into the race I also knew better than anyone once Brian saw Mia again he wouldn't be able to stay away because whether he liked it or not he really was in love with her all those years ago. I had decided to stay in LA longer than I first expected because I wanted to see what ended up happening with Braga I had called Suki and asked her to send me some more of my stuff. I figured I'd see about getting some kind of car while I was out here I spent a lot of time catching up with Mia I told her about Roman how it was the first time I'd really felt something real since Jesse died about the baby and the time I was able to spend with Letty before she took off back to LA. I couldn't lie I was having a hard time dealing with losing Letty I felt like their was a dark cloud hanging over me at all times. There was no doubt this had been one of the hardest years of my life losing the baby, leaving Roman, and losing Letty Mia was helping me get my head back on straight and for that I was thankful for. Ultimately Brain arrested Braga with Dom's help but in the cross Dom murdered one of Braga's henchmen because he was pretty sure he had something to do with Letty's death. I was feeling a lot more stable these days we found out that Brian was trying to get Dom's record expunged while they worked together but due to the murder he would be sent to prison. I stayed in LA with Mia for Dom's trial and sentencing her and Brian had worked things out and were back together. They sentenced Dom to 25 years to life without parole Mia was devastated I was upset too. We worked out a plan to break Dom out of prison by causing an accident with the prison transport bus. Once we got Dom we split up while my record was currently clean I would be linked to the break out we were all headed for South America just in different direction but we intended to met up in Brazil with Vince and his family while lying low along the way.

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