~Chapter 7~

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"well damn, your so gonna fall for her" Haley laughs

"shut up, I am not" I point a finger at her

"ok ok, whatever" she says

we start walking to our next class, which we have together. billie is also in this class, so all three of us will be in the same classroom. we walk into the class and go straight to the back, Haley likes to sit up front but she knows I prefer the back so she sits back here with me. we sit in our seats and put our backpacks on the back of our chairs, we grabbed our books and our pencil and then we sat them on our desks. the teacher wasn't here yet so we just played around on our phones until he came.

I hear the door open and I look up to see Billie walking in, she winks at me as she looks to find a seat, she sits one seat in front of me over to the right side of the room, I look away and try to distract myself with my phone. the teacher walks in a few minutes later and we all open our books and look up at the board, the teacher sets their stuff down and starts writing on the board.

we are about halfway done with this class, I'm just sitting here writing in my notes when I feel my phone vibrate. I grab my phone and see what it was, I notice Billie texted me. I wonder what she wants? I open the message and see what she said.



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I could feel my cheeks heat up from the nickname she called me, I look up and see Billie turned around smirking at me, and I immediately cover my face with my hands, I hear her quietly laughing. I look back up and see her turned around so I try my best to continue paying attention to the lesson.

(A/N)- Bitches Broken Hearts just started playing while I was writing this part....)

the bell rings, and me and Haley grab our stuff to head out of the class. as were walking out of the class Haley says "dude I saw you Billie earlier in class" she smirks

"I don't know what you're talking about" I act dumb

"bitch don't even try that shit, it was obvious because you both were on your phones texting and then when y'all put them away you were blushing like crazy, and then you looked up and saw Billie looking at you so you hid your face in your hands and then she laughed and looked away, after that, you uncovered your face and looked really embarrassed...so y'all had to of been talking." Haley says raising an eyebrow

"ok fine we were, it's not that big of a deal" I reply

"um excuse you- yes it is" she looks at me with a confused face

"whatever" I open my locker and put my stuff away, Haley does the same. we start walking towards the cafeteria, when we get to the doors Haley stops, I turn around and look at her confused.

"what are you doing?" I ask

"I forgot to tell you I'm going to eat lunch with Brayden again today" Haley says

"wow leaving me again?" I say sarcastically

"I know I'm sorry but I promise I'll eat with you tomorrow" she says

yeah yeah you better, but it's fine go eat with your boyfriend" I tease her in a weird voice

"shut up, he's not my boyfriend" says Haley

"not yet" I say

"haha very funny" she rolls her eyes in a playful way

"ok bye have fun, and don't do anything nasty!!" I yell as she walks away

she turns around and flips me off, she continues walking and I turn around and head to the cafeteria, I guess I'll be sitting by myself again. I go and grab a tray and let the lunch lady put food on my tray, once I'm done I walk over to an empty table. I sit my stuff down, I pull my AirPods out I put them in, and play Swim by Chase Atlantic.

a couple of minutes later I see Billie walk in, she spots me and smirks, she walks over to me and sits across me. I take my AirPods out and sit them down, she watches me and then says...

"why are you sitting by yourself mamas?"

"well my best friend Haley left me to go eat with this boy she's been hanging out with" I say

"damn that sucks" she says

"I'm glad she's got someone though because now I don't have to hear her complain about being single all the time" I laugh, then Billie laughs with me

"but seriously though I'm happy for her" I smile

she smiles back and asks "are you dating anyone?"

"hell no, I'm lesbian if you didn't already know and all the girls here are straight and want to be ms. popular, shits annoying" I shake my head

"yeah that's true" she shrugs

"so why did you come over here for? don't you have friends you could hang out with?" I ask

"yeah but I'd rather hang out with your fine ass" Billie smirks

I roll my eyes and try not to blush, we just continue to talk about random stuff and get to know each other. once lunch is over i stand up and grab my stuff, Billie stands up and walks with me, we leave the lunchroom and continue to talk while walking to our locker, as we're walking up I see Haley waiting for me at our lockers. we walk up and I say bye to Billie, she says bye back and winks. I turn towards Haley and she gives me a look.

"ok your ass better spill right NOW" she says

"there's not much to tell, she saw me alone and came to sit with me, we started talking, and then she walked me to my locker no big deal" I shrug

"that is definitely a big deal, she totally likes you" she squeals

"um no definitely not" I shake my head

"Whatever be that way, but I'm definitely right...I always am" she flips her hair trying to be sassy

"I can't with you" I laugh and put the palm of my hand to my forehead

we hear the bell ring and start walking to our classes, me and Haley don't have this class together so we have to split ways, we say bye to each other and head to our classes.

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