~Chapter 8~

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I'm back home and I'm just sitting in my room scrolling on Instagram, my mom was able to come home early today so she got here a couple of minutes after we got home which was about 3 hours ago. she told us she was going to surprise us with something but she won't tell us what it is.

"girls come down here" mom yells

I get up and head downstairs, Macie follows behind me. we walk in and she says "sit down I'm gonna tell you the surprise" so we do as she said and we sit down on the couch.

"ok, so the surprise is.....I'm taking y'all out to eat tonight" she says excitingly

"ouu ok, where are we going? Macie asks

"I made a reservation at crossroads" she smiles

"ok cool, come on let's go get ready" I say to Macie

Me and Macie run upstairs and quickly get ready

About an hour later me and Macie are both ready and we are sitting on the couch waiting for mom to get dressed. I hear her coming downstairs and see her standing at the end of the staircase, she says "let's go girls" and we get up off the couch and start walking towards the door.

we get in my mom's car and start heading to Crossroads, It's some vegan restaurant my mom found one day on her way to work, and we went a few times before and it was pretty good, it's probably one of my favorite restaurants.

we pull up and park in one of the open parking spots and unbuckle, she turns the car off and we all head inside. once they seat us we look at the menu and see if there is anything new we wanna try. the waiter comes back and we order, she walks away once we're done and heads to get our drinks.

"so I actually had something to talk to you guys about" she looks at as with a serious face but I can tell she's a little nervous to tell us whatever this is. it must be important.

"ok so I dont want you guys to get mad but..."

"what is it mom, are you ok?" Macie asks

"I'm sure whatever you wanna tell us will be fine" I say

"I don't think so but I guess here goes nothing...um I've been seeing your dad lately and me and him are going to get back-" I cut her off and yell "WHAT!!" I notice people looking around so I quiet my voice and say "why would you do that mom do you not remember how he treated you, how he treated us!!"

"I know but he's reached out and explained that he's better now and he wants to be a family again" she explains

"but he abused me, you and Amara!!" Macie whisper yells

"you can't just forget about that" she adds

"I know you guys don't agree but it's happening, I believe he's changed and I want to give him a chance" she sighs

"you know what I can't do this I'm gonna walk home, take my food to go, and I'll meet y'all at home" I get up

"Amara you can't just leave" Macie says

"watch me, I'll be safe don't worry I have my phone just in case" I assure her

my mom doesn't even say anything she just sits there with a guilty look, I roll my eyes and walk out. luckily I brought my AirPods so I pop them in my ears and play my Sad Playlist. Depression & Obsession by XXXTENTACION started playing, as I was walking down the dark streets I started crying thinking about all the memories of what my dad did to us. him yelling and screaming at my mom over bullshit that wasn't even her fault and pinning her to the wall and holding her down so she can't move or get away, him punching her, and choking her. he even stood beside their bed one time and watched her, she told me she remembers waking up and seeing him there just staring at her from the side of the bed, luckily he didn't do anything to her that time but that was still creepy. And about 6 months after he started doing that to my mom he started doing the same thing to us. I dont need to explain the same thing over again but he basically did the same thing to us as our mom.

"shit" I whisper, I just walked up to my house and realized I forgot my mom has the keys and mine are in my backpack which is in the house. I guess I'll just lay here in the grass and listen to my music until they get home. so that's exactly what I do for about 10 minutes until...

"hey, Amara" I jump at the person's voice and realize it's Billie so I take my AirPods out.

"what are you doing just laying in the grass?" Billie says, and lays down beside me. she turns her face to the side so she is facing me and waits for my answer.

"well my mom is getting back together with my dad and me and my sister don't agree with that decision, we were eating at crossroads when she told us and I couldn't handle it so I left, I just needed to get away and get some fresh air but I forgot my mom has the keys to the house and mine are in my backpack which is inside" I respond

"Why don't you want them to be together, if you dont mind me asking" she replays

"I don't really wanna go into detail but I'll just say that my dad isn't a very good person" I sigh

"it's ok don't worry I don't want to make you uncomfortable"

"That's understandable though I mean I see why you left" she sighs

"why are you out here though?" I ask

"I was going to head to taco bell but then I saw you just laying here so wanted to make sure you were good" she looks away at the sky

I turn my head and look at the sky too and say "aww is the tough Billie going soft" with a gasp

"shut up you bozo" she laughs

we just sit there and stare at the sky while talking about the most random things. I don't think I've ever felt this comfortable and safe with someone before. it's nice.

we have been laying here for about 40 minutes, we were in the middle of a conversation when my mom pulls up in the driveway. Her and Macie get out and walk over to us. I and Billie sit up and Billie says "I guess I should probably go, I'll see you tomorrow Amara" and she turns to wink at me when my mom isn't looking.

"what are you doing out here in the grass sweetie?" mom asks

"I forgot my keys in my backpack and it's inside" I reply coldly

she sighs and says "ok come on let's get to bed we all have to be up early"

"we will talk about everything tomorrow" she adds while she unlocks the door

we all head inside and get ready for bed, as I'm getting under the covers my phone pings, I pick it up and see that Billie texted me so I open it.

we all head inside and get ready for bed, as I'm getting under the covers my phone pings, I pick it up and see that Billie texted me so I open it

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(ignore the time💀)

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