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"I wish that I can wake up with amnesia"

I want to forget, forget everything. Since the moment I met her, to the moment I fell in love with her, to this exact moment.

"And forget about the stupid little things"

I fell in love with every part of her, inside and out. Now I just regret it.

"Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you"

But I can't...

"Cause I'm not fine at all"

Rain started to pour, loads of it. Allison would've said it 'rained cats and dogs'. It's never rained this much before, especially in California. It felt like a million buckets of water falling from the sky altogether, and the window-wipers weren't any help. I was going fast, like really fast. I was probably going to get a speeding ticket. The Range Rover I borrowed from Michael swerved, I didn't even try to stop the car from flipping over. I closed my eyes, and let the car do what it wanted.

I wanted it to flip over. I wanted to loose control over the car. I want this.

Next thing I know the car did flip over, I did loose control. I was upside down when I opened my eyes for a millisecond, I got hit with something and darkness.

Complete utter darkness.

"No, I'm really not fine at all."

Amnesia | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now