CRANKS - Thomas

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writing started - 10th September
finished writing - 10th September


Alien like, that's what is felt like living amongst those that attempted to kill me. Never really having a chance to bond or understand any of them, never really wanted too. I don't think they were any to care as it was, all living out their own daydreams. 

Thomas, he was different. He was able to understand what the others didn't, understanding that there was more to life than what we were currently living. The others just didn't get it like he did. And though I know he understands, we rarely actually spoke to each other; I mean why would he. 

"Crank count!" Since leaving the maze there was two jobs that Newt generously had decided on; scavenger and Crank counter. I was the only Crank counter. The highlight of the job was rounding the Cranks, the biggest let down was watching the ones that used to stand proud amongst us; now limping or even crawling through the rubble. Winston was one of our first to fall, it was disappointing but none of us had the heart to shoot him; not after he missed his own shot. 

"I think we should go back." Teresa, her voice had gone little over the whisper that her and Thomas shared. She wanted to go back?

"What don't I understand!" Another plus of being the sole crank counter, gossip.

"Trouble in paradise?" I shot a lingering stare at Teresa, already feeling her discomfort of my presence. Dropping down from my resting position I spoke, "What's this about wanting to go back? You want to stay there? With WICKED!" My voice continued to raise, drawing attention from both the living and dead.

"No, Y/n you don't understand. You have to hear my out-."

"No, Teresa I'm not hearing you out. I never have and I don't plan on starting now. I didn't come all the way out here and risk my life for you, just for you to turn back."

"Y/n, you aren't understanding. This conversation doesn't involve you." Thomas interrupted, turning towards me standing slightly in front of her; in a protective way?

"Thomas move!" Newt's voice rang throughout the empty buildings, echoing around us. 

Thomas lunged to the side, taking Teresa with him. A rouge Crank, swinging left and right scratching the air for something to grasp onto. That something always being me.

"If there's one, there's four! Run!" At this point Frypan and Minho had already started running leaving myself, Thomas and Teresa behind.

"Newt!" Thomas' voice once again filled the air, searching for his friend throughout the screaming sea of cranks. No reply, "Newt!" Desperation starting to fill his voice, aggressively pulling on Teresa's arm, praying not to lose another friend. 

"Help!" My footsteps came to a stop, instantly turning on my heel heading back into the crowd of Cranks. "Thomas!" Newt's screams of terroir drowned out any thought that still played throughout my head, causing my feet to hit the ground harder, faster.

"Newt!" Spotting his body on the ground, surrounded by screaming Cranks.

"Get him! Y/n!" I could hear only my heart pumping and white noise, gripping onto whatever part of Newt's body I could gather into my grasps and tugging towards myself. 

This was an ambush, I was still confused how I hadn't spotted the herd of Cranks earlier. They had almost seemed to just be placed there by something, purposely showing when our guards were down.


"You don't understand, he needs medical treatment. We need to go back." I'd managed to get Newt out and in the clear of Cranks, but that hadn't stopped him from getting the odd scratch or two.

"Yeah and what about Y/n? You're just leaving them to their own devices! If they didn't go back into the crowd Newt would be gone. Y/n gave him the once over for a Crank bite, there isn't one. You're making excuses to go back!" 

"Newt's cuts need to be cleaned, can you tell someone that?" My voice was quite as I spoke to Minho, soon turning and leaving.

"Will do..." Minho's voice was cut short, the slam of the door was enough to announce my exit. All that could be heard as I walked away was a loud thud followed by the opening of the side door.

"Y/n?" The rasp of the voice brought me comfort, "Where'd you go?" 

"Thomas." I watched as his body spun, head turning trying to find where my voice had come from, "You really need to work on you're locating skills." He laughed slightly, finally finding me.

"What was with the dramatic exit?" Our shoulders stayed touching as he sat next to me, grinning ear to ear as he looked my way.

"Had to make sure they still knew I existed." My voice was light as I spoke, head dropping onto Thomas' shoulder, "I think sometimes they forget."

"I don't."

"You never do."

"And I never will."

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