STOP SIGN - Dylan O'Brien

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Started writing - 30th September
Finished writing - 14th October 


"I was talking to the dude that was making my coffee and he literally spilt it all over me - no it wasn't in a 'Oh my god this is the start of a Wattpad story' type of way." Y/n continued to talk to their brother on the phone, walking with their freshly stained shirt on display.

"No he didn't ask for my number, Y/b/n! The poor kid was so embarrassed." Y/n's laugh echoed through the street as they also let out short apologies to those they accidently bumped shoulders with as they walked through the large crowds of Los Angeles.

Y/n continued to talk to their brother until they said their goodbyes, ending the call. That however didn't stop Y/n from being distracted by their phone. Still occasionally bumping shoulders with people or stepping on the peoples shoes who walked in front of them. Y/n was replying to a tweet when their phone was knocked out of their hand and they fell to the ground with a grunt.

Y/n held their head as they stayed on the ground, embarrassed that they had just ran into a sign due to how distracted they were, "Holy shit, are you okay?" Y/n's face turned bright pink, realising that someone had actually seen their stupidity.

"Yeah I'm fine, fuck that's embarrassing." The person, who Y/n was yet to identify, only laughed at their reply. A hand was offered to help them up, Y/n quickly taking the offer. "Thank you..." Y/n's voice trailed off, looking at whoever stood in front of them waiting for their name.

"Dylan, my names Dylan." Y/n's cheeks turned even brighter pink, knowing who he was.

"Holy shit, I did not just run into a sign in front of you." Dylan frowned before his eyes went wide, knowing that Y/n knew who he was. Awkwardly scratching the back of his neck, now wanting to leave the conversation.

"Oh, yeah." Y/n was quick to sense his discomfort.

"I'm not a fan or anything! I just know who you are because of the Maze Runner, I mean I'm a fan if it makes you feel better but other than that I'm not a fan - don't think I'm a crazy stan or anything!" Y/n's blurt of words only made Dylan smile.

"Are you always like this?" Dylan slapped his hand over his mouth, realising how rude that would sound. Y/n continued to let out one of the loudest laughs, sighing as they held their head in their hands.

"Sadly, yes." Y/n looked down, attempting to avoid eye contact with the guy in front of them - their face only dropping when they saw the stain on their shirt, "Fuck, I've had a bad day." Dylan followed Y/n, now seeing the stain which was caused earlier.

"Seems like it, is it a new fashion statement?" The pair both laughing at the sarcasm that ran through Dylan's words.

"Yes, it is. Interpret it as you will." Y/n was quick to continue the conversation, with just as much sarcasm in their voice. Dylan came to like the person that stood in front of him, smiling at their awkward chatter.

"Well, I must get going... don't you having meetings and such?" Dylan almost cackled, taking a few steps back as he held his chest out of pure amusement.

"I'm actually on my way to the markets, I'm not only a business man." Y/n continued to go bright pink, stumbling out apologies for their mistake.

"I really didn't mean it like that, seems like I'm trying to get out of the conversation - well I am - wait no! Not like that-." 

"No it's fine, you've got places to be! I probably get going anyway, don't want them all to close for the night." The pair just kind of nodded too each other, before walking away - the same way



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