Chapter twelve

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I need to forget the events of the last few nights or else I won't get anything done for the ball.

It's been a few days since I accidentally stumbled into someone's sleeping chambers whilst they were crying, and I can't stop thinking about him.

We had a connecting talk about his first love and I have been sneaking to his chambers each night ever since so that we could talk together. He really needed someone to listen to him.

But I need to focus back onto the work at hand, I need to direct the chefs and greet the arriving orchestra.


The sun has finally sunk behind the forest and I rush through dinner so I can go meet with my midnight friend.

Tip-toeing through the halls wasn't what I'd been expecting to do every night before my biggest test.

I lightly knock on the door once and let myself in.

My friend giggles eagerly from his corner and I hurry over, almost tripping over him in the dark.

"Shhh!" I whisper, "someone might hear us!"

"Oh forgive me, Sir Badboy," he giggles from the shadows. He's been calling me variations of the name since yesterday, and I hate to admit it, but I'm kind of fond of it.

"Shut up... Skeppy!" I say, thinking of a name on the spot.

"Skeppy?" He giggles, "sounds like a name you'd give a pet fish."

"Oh hush, it's better than Badboyhalo." I roll my eyes at him. "Anyways, what do you think you'll do for the royal ball coming up?"

"They're allowing servants to go?" Skeppy asks, sounding genuinely curious.

"Yeah, I heard they are. I thought that maybe... it might be a good way to introduce ourselves with light around." My heart hammers in my chest.

"I'm not sure," he says, "I've never liked parties. Besides, you never seem too enthusiastic about showing one another our faces or even our names and titles when I bring it up. What makes this different?"

"I don't know, I just... it's a masquerade and we don't even have to tell our names and titles if we don't want to. But we don't have to do that if you don't want to!" I backtrack, feeling embarrassed.

Skeppy hums. " Maybe I will go,"

I light up. "How do I find you?"

He laces his fingers through mine and chuckles, apparently his face isn't as far away as I thought. "I'll be the handsome one with the good hair."

My face heats up but I don't move my hand away. It's nice.


Sorry for not updating lmao I had such a stressful week

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