Chapter 13

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"What a disgusting thing. I should investigate the disappearance of the missing person and see where's Alvis. He could pay a penalty for kidnapping a person. However, just like all the other people we've taken up, they all become a pet to have around and do our bidding. No way should he be holding her from King Ajaro. I hope the experiment he does turns out and she'd be as hideous as any other pet we have. A perfect slave for our king is picked out. Still, what's taking him so long? The king is aware he has her and yet still sends Alvis to run on those missions instead of calling him over back here with her in captive?" War Beast Vapor muttered to himself as he paced the floor back and forth in his original form, towering the smaller Anjanjoers with his true height and scaring them with his true weight. He felt proud of being in such high honor.

"War Beast Vapor, what are you mumbling about to yourself? You're scaring the people below with your pacing," Commander Shrill questioned flying up to War Beast Vapor's head.

"Ahh, haven't you noticed Alvis has been taking a long time and has made himself known to the people of Layton? Green aliens are involved in the search of the missing person and we haven't been able to locate where he could be yet. The king should be suspicious that's something's up. However loyal he seems to be to the king, hiding a pet from the king for a long time now is quite suspicious. Usually, pets are brought to the Red Ship right away and get turned into a pet. Well, I should call them by their race first instead of pet, but you get what I mean. Something bad could end up happening if he keeps fooling around. I hope his experiment goes haywire if he plans to pull off something without the king's permission," War Beast Vapor replied.

"Ahh, yes. But a civilian named Damsel usually takes a few months before her experiment on a different race into a pet is activated and shown to the king. Just be patient, my friend. I know you as loyal as a wolf. Any signs of disrespect to the king and you're on the case. You have a vicious tendency to do so. This isn't Alvis' first time experimenting but won't be his last either as of course he'll turn her into some kind of pet to serve the king. Please be patient," Commander Shrill suggested and then wondered too what Alvis is up to. Most of the time he could complete an experiment in one month and it has almost been a month by now that he had kidnapped Tammy. King Ajaro isn't thrilled about him revealing himself first before kidnapping her either.

"You have a good point. Still, I heard he's pretty fast with experimenting. I'll give it some time then and see just how loyal he is with the king. With your permission, I would like to do an investigation on what he's doing. This way I'd know for sure that he is indeed remaining loyal to the king and his decrees. I never remembered him taking this long time for an experiment to work. It's been too long for my taste. In two weeks he would have the experiment completed and the hostage taken up to the king and handed over to the king. No time to waste here. May I have your permission?" War Beast Vapor furiously pouted but knew Commander Shrill has a good point. He waited patiently for her response to his question.

"You may have my permission to go. It isn't like you to be so impatient with him. Maybe after you investigate him your case will rest assured and that you won't have any more doubts about him as you do right now. Maybe he is just a bit rusty from having no one to experiment on for years passed by and now he's just getting back into it. That and he's much older than before. Now, please assure me you will think about this too before you go," Commander Shrill spoke up after a little bit and looked up to War Beast Vapor.

"Thank you Commander Shrill and yes, I will consider that to be a possibility. I assure you I will respect him and take it easy with my investigation. An older person would have way more experience and thought through their life," War Beast Vapor said and then shrunk down into human size.

When War Beast Vapor has reached his spacecraft he entered and requested permission to take a trip down to Kertana reporting an urgent mission to do. While he knew this trip would be bending the rules he waited until Commander Shrill has sent his permission to request War Beast Vapor to investigate Alvis and the go signal displayed. His spacecraft rose into the air and took off on a course to Kertana. Flying around in the air at a high altitude he went over to the coast of the states of the western hemisphere and searched for any clues that would lead him to Alvis. Stopping by a point he discovered an old man had an encounter with Alvis on an island called Eishow Island. Quickly he went over to Eishow Island and began to dispell the location of Alvis' spacecraft.

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