Chapter 24

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"Oh, you're here for Precalculus too? I think we came at just the right time. Maybe we could sit together during class and take some notes together too during the lecture. What do you think?" Astrolgia asked after bumping into Steven on her way through the door into the classroom. He backed out and motioned for her to head in first.

"Sure. Pick a spot, any spot will do. I look forward to doing all of our classes together. We've had a good week so far and I hope that doesn't ruin anything. Think this class will be easy for you or hard? Time will tell of course, but I think this class will be easy enough to do. No need to do calculus with this major," Steven replied and then followed her in. They were the first to arrive in the classroom. He watched as she picked a spot toward the back before joining.

"Will this spot work just fine? I think we should sit at each other more often and that might help concentrate on the homework too if we get a chance to work on our homework. This will be our first day at it," Astrolgia flipped her hair over and thought about how they might appear to be a couple if they started doing things together all the time. The first time she met him she could only think about how handsome he was and, even now, he still looked handsome in her eyes.

"Not a chance. Just kidding I usually pick the back seat as well so that I could focus on the lecture easier. Sitting side by side together shows its challenges too and that's how I like it. Good choice. Now, is there anything that you've been struggling?" Steven asked after pulling out the first assignment, completed.

"No, I haven't struggled with this homework. Simple enough, I think it's been fairly easy, like a review. Thank you for asking me. I completed my homework easily," Astrolgia then searched her backpack for her math notebook and then pulled out her assignment as well. Confident that she'll have an A, she compared her homework to his. They looked alike with the same answers so she knew he had it right as well.

"I think this is mainly a review as well. Nothing different out of the ordinary. Now, looks like the door is opening. Maybe the other classmates will appear and sit down now. The class will start soon. We should hang out sometime. How about tomorrow after class is over?" Steven said before greeting another student walking in. She greeted the others coming in as well.

"Here comes the teacher, let's gather our things together so that we'll be ready for this lecture. Ready or not here she comes," Astrolgia said as soon as she saw the familiar face of Mrs. Pie walk in through the door and set her things down by the computer at the front.

"Yep. Now, I think this is the lesson we're going to be working on today. No pulling ahead since it's easier to do it by the lesson in case there's some confusion or misunderstanding along the way. Now, I did bring an apple for her as if it's teacher appreciation day. Let me go hand this apple over to her right now. You can stay," Steven said standing up with an apple in his hand. Astrolgia sighed as he seemed to do this with each class she's gone to.

"You rock. Looks good and fresh as if picked from a tree too," Astrolgia said softly as he walked down the steps over to the teacher.

"Now, we're all here to learn something new today. This time, we're going to be working on fractions. Solving x is our main goal as well as simplifying the equation if it has a y in it too. The twist is how these problems are set up. Sometimes you'll be multiplying, and sometimes you'll be dividing a lot. I will show you some problems before allowing you to work on these problems yourself. Does anyone have any questions before I start the lecture. Oh, looks like someone is coming in, hold on," Mrs. Pie announced before waiting for the student to walk in. Once the roll is taken and everyone is accounted for, she decided to go ahead and start the lecture. The time it took for the latecomer to sit down didn't last very long.

"Solve for x and y. It seems easy enough. Always do y = 0 first, and then x = 0 as a pattern. These division problems make it look as if it's all fractions over fractions in one large fraction," Astrolgia commented on as soon as the lecture ended and they were given some free time to work on their homework.

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