Chapter 17

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Another normal day it seemed and Astrolgia roused herself awake. This time her mind seemed to be more clear and she could remember things. Upon remembering her parents, it suddenly hit hard how much she missed her parents. Any false feelings by now seemed to have evaporated leaving her even more frustrated than she already is. By now she has managed to learn to move around in her new form. Slowly it came back that she's just a human being but have been transformed into a hideous beast in her judgment. No clothes she didn't want to appear in front of the public at all. She couldn't stand it. Looking toward the east she saw some clouds off in a distance. The cloud seemed menacing and dangerous, threatening to come this way. Since it isn't here then she shrugged it off as if it's nothing. As long as it didn't come this way then she'd be fine.

Fingering the pendant she suddenly recalled the pendant is a magical flute intended for her to communicate with her friend Tammy. Tammy had been answering the flute for as long as she could remember. Remembering Tammy she then remembered Alvis and his intentions on turning her into something beautiful. Then she wondered if this hideous alien form is his definition of turning her into something beautiful. She shrieked mentally as she looked down at herself. The green aliens weren't around when she looked and she wondered why. Looking back at the large cloud in the sky she wondered if the cloud had chased them away and it's coming in this direction. She better pay more attention to the cloud since she no longer see green aliens around helping her. A hovering wave suddenly seemed to disappear in the air that had been present at all times and she wondered why. Suddenly she missed that feeling.

Since nobody around to listen to her speak, Astrolgia decided that she could try speaking with this alien mouth of hers. First, only a wisping sound came out. She knew Tammy could speak and so could her parents so she tried again. A jumble of sounds sounded better and then she focused on practicing saying words. Slowly words came out. If she spoke slow enough she could say every single word well. Practicing for a little bit, she found herself excited about that. Feeling good about being able to remember again, she looked up at the sky. Now that large cloud appeared closer than before with flashes of lightning dancing about across the sky and huge waves appearing threatening to reach the cliff she stood on. Disturbed, she wondered how will she be able to survive this disaster. Just recovering through the spell placed on her is hard enough.

"No! This can't be happening. I need to get off this island quick. No telling what will happen to me. I'll drown out here!" Astrolgia shouted and wondered if somebody could hear her. Now that she could make out some details of the cloud she realized this is no ordinary cloud. It'd be a storm and she felt like she's not able to face what this storm will bring. The lightning and heavy rain kept growing closer. The wind felt like it kept becoming stronger. This is no ordinary wind and she knew that. Out on the ocean either a hurricane or typhoon could strike at any given moment. This is the season. This thought didn't help her any as she watched the waves grow higher and the cloud slowly moving closer. Hoping it would shift directions and dodge the island, she stood up and watched. Looking down she could tell some of the roof of the house had been blown away by the wind and gulped.

The sky started to become cloudier and Astrolgia shivered in fear. If the storm is growing at the rate it seems to be then she's going to be trapped in the middle of the storm with no way out of it. Her size would only be the perfect target to be wiped off the island in the face of this storm. Already the house is being torn apart by the wind. What's the worst that could happen she wondered as she peered at the sky. Suspecting this could be a hurricane or typhoon no wonder all the green aliens had left. Maybe Alvis had left too to evacuate from the danger this storm poses. Quickly she made her way over to the edge of the cliff and peered down. The waves seemed to be growing larger at each passing moment. She sighed and did the only thing she could think of to brace facing the storm as it came down to her.

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