Chapter 14

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"Now, in a week you should be beautiful. You're going to love me for the rest of the days of your life and will want to marry me and have children with me. You'll make an excellent weapon to the army and when King Ajaro sees this, then he'll approve of my experiment and order everybody to follow my lead and I'll be able to make them invincible. It has to start with somebody though and you are the one. I'll get in trouble if I did this experiment without permission on another civilian. King Ajaro would never allow me to do this. On Anjanjoers like me, this will only take a day to do since our bodies are used to DNA change all the time. Not your body though. Every moment you breathe in the gas the better it is for you," Alvis boasted when he walked up to the glass vault to provide Astrolgia a meal.

"My hands are off a bit and my clothes are growing too tight on me. What have you done to me? I don't want to be naked at a different size to face my family again," Astrolgia cried out from inside the glass vault. Her life is at stake and she knew it.

"I'm enhancing your beauty. You'll be so proud of me when you gain the exact proportions of an ideal woman as well as the weight. Now don't cry. I'm here for you and will always be here for you. Allow me to kiss you. Not just any kind of a kiss but a special kiss," Alvis said softly prompting her to look up at him. She didn't bother to do such a thing which disappointed him. He knew she could understand him though and that's what he figured counted.

"Oh, for crying out loud, I don't want any kiss from you. Every few hours it seems that gas comes back too. I want it to stop right now. I don't want to change and become an alien," Astrolgia stomped on the floor.

"Run for your life if you wish but the process is already begun. The more you become exposed to the gas the faster it will be and you'll grow into the normal size as I anticipate to happen. Of course, your clothes will tear right off so you'll feel free. Now, if you excuse me, I got some work to do in the Southern Hemisphere. I'll be back to feed you supper. Darkness should help you to stay cool now so I'll turn the lights off. I hope you enjoyed the meal. Your taste shall get used to the food aboard the Red Ship. Tasteless won't last for very long as we gain control of the planet. Been saving up spices so that we could return to eating delicious food after the planet is conquered. You'll be able to pick anywhere you want to go, including Anjanjo," Alvis bowed down a little before turning to go into the captain room.

"Cortana is the place I need to visit next and make a report for King Ajaro. He seems to be picking the most mundane spots of the world to choose from and it hasn't even been a year yet. However, if this city is so important to the continent, then I must go there," Alvis began talking to himself in hopes that thinking out loud would give him an idea to surpass the assignments. Any honors given by the king himself is not to be taken lightly. If he does a good job at it then the king would promote him to be a police officer and he'll have new powers to work with being a police officer. Police officers are known to have at least one dragon by their side or in their home. The more difficult assignments happen, the more dragons won. Usually, the dragons go by gender of the person of who to accept.

Quickly gathering his gear together, he did a scan with the radar to see if there's anything headed his way. One danger of the spacecraft remaining invisible is that something else could end up crashing into it. Alvis didn't like the idea of a plan hitting his spacecraft. He had strategically parked close enough to the island that the spacecraft's hovering motion would make little ripples to the island and the water surrounding it. By now he's used to seeing the ocean as the waves crashed upon each other. Since the people he targeted have been cured then he had been watching out for green Anjanjoers. His suspicions about them targeting this island since he picked it over the others first have magnified when the family disappeared and the owner moved away. It took him a long time to be able to figure out who is involved in the island and now he's had no success in having them back.

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