2- Complexity

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"You look like crap," is the first thing her brother says to her.

Grinning, Janis jumps out of her seat and wraps him up in a big, long-awaited hug. Once they break apart, she takes a moment to look at him. Damian doesn't seem much different from the last time they saw each other. His style surely hasn't changed, she thinks, looking at his Evita t-shirt.

"How's life, my man?" she asks as she ruffles his hair, a big smile still present on her face. Damian rolls his eyes playfully as he tries to fix his previously well-kempt hairstyle.

"You were gone for almost a year, you don't deserve to know," he says. Although his tone remains humorous, Janis can feel a little hurtfulness within his words. 

"I didn't miss your birthday, did I?" she jokes, in an attempt to keep the cheerful mood going.

"No," he says. "I would never speak to you again if you did." 

She smiles, bringing the cold bottle of beer to her lips. God knows she will need a lot of alcohol and good laughs with her brother to forget what she witnessed at the train station. Hesitantly, she looks down at her feet, and stares at the black purse lying under the table; the image of the woman jumping to her death appears once again at the back of her mind, it seems to be burned into her brain. 

"So, how's Danny Devito?" Damian's question pulls her out of her reveries.

"You keep calling her that and then you wonder why she doesn't like you," she chuckles, grabbing a fry and putting it in her mouth.

"I don't care, I don't like her either," he shrugs. "Do you prefer Caitlyn, The Cunt? Cause that works for me too." 

"She's fine. I hit her first this time. With an ashtray," she says, not able to stop the cynical smile that spreads across her face. "So...she's a little blue." 

"Ugh, I wish I could have seen that."

Janis waits a few moments before changing the subject. In the meantime, they sit in silence with their drinks listening to other people's conversations. She knows how Damian will react, so she has to take a cautious approach.

"Speaking of Caitlyn..." she begins, "I need you to do something for me." 

She uses her head to gesture towards the floor, where her backpack is. Damian follows her gaze as she opens it to reveal a brown package hidden inside.

"It's coke," she whispers. Bobby's Bar wasn't known to be a place frequented by law-abiding, ethical people, and it had seen it's fair share of ilegal shit, but that didn't mean Janis had to let everyone know she had 2lbs of cocaine with her. "Do you think you can sell it to one of your blows?"

"Ugh, Janis, come on..." 

"I'll give you 15%," she insists.

"I don't care about that," he says "What the hell are you up to?"

"I don't know," she lifts her shoulder in a half shrug. "I wanted out of Caitlyn's and I couldn't do that without money, could I?" 

Damian rubs his forehead. As usual, just a few minutes with Janis were enough to give him a headache. Janis can't blame him. She knows she's a shitstorm, nothing but a hurricane spreading chaos everywhere she goes.

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