7- Fearfully and wonderfully made.

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Janis doesn't think much of it at first. Not until the road starts looking familiar. Her panic begins to grow like wildfire as Heather dodges a pothole, then drives past a large sideroad tree followed by a 'No Trespassing' sign; the same places Janis drove days prior, with a dead person inside the car.

The closer they get to the scene, the more desperate Janis becomes because she knows what to expect, and she has no clue as to how she will explain to Heather and the police why there's a woman identical to her buried on the ground. The thought of jumping out of the car crosses her mind more than once, but she shoves the idea and the evergrowing dread deep down inside of her. Heather parks the vehicle next to two police cars. That night, the place was empty, except for Janis and Edith Becker's dead body; this time, however, there are people everywhere.

"Something wrong?" Chandlers pick up on her distress.

"No, I'm fine," Janis answers back, the words coming out choked as she tries to swallow down the lump in her throat. She tries to keep her expression nonchalant even though inside of her, her guts are roilling. Janis follows Heather's lead and walks out of the car, her steps heavy as if she has a bucket of cement stuck on each foot. She gives the scene a once over in search of a camera hidden in a light pole or a tree, but to her relief, she doesn't find anything. In the dark, and with worry clouding her senses, Janis had failed to notice the large pit just meters away from her, but in daylight, it was hard to miss it. The rustling of the mining machinery mixes up with the rustling of the cops as they run around like worker ants, taking pictures and dodging the yellow tapes that barricade the scene.

Both women stop at the edge of the pit, next to a tall, lanky man with a camera in his hand. "Good, you're here. And look who's back!" he says to them, the ast part regarding Janis specifically. Clipped to the pocket of his dark brown blazer is an ID card with the name Andrew McCord and Coroner Investigator written under his very unflattering picture.

"Thanks," she says. She follows Heather's and McCord's gaze to the dumpsters on the bottom of the pit, there are three of them total, and in each of them people are digging through the mountain of dirt and gravel; Janis doesn't understand what they're looking for exactly until one of them fishes out a severed arm.

"The body is chewed up pretty badly," McCord says matter of factly. "And we also found tire prints over there," he points his dainty finger to a spot on the road, where Janis had taken off with Veronica's car.

"Reconstructing the face is gonna be a bitch," Heather says. Janis feels a pang of relief when she realizes that there's a chance Edith's face will be unrecognizable, but that goes away quickly. Even in those circumstances,  they have enough of her body to get her DNA and find a connection between her and Janis; that is if what Denise and Lizzie told her is true, Janis is still having a hard time coming to terms with human clones.

Janis excuses herself from the conversation to make a phone call. Denise doesn't pick up so she Janis her luck with Cady Heron instead, who picks almost immediately.

"Hi, Janis," she says.

"Hi, can I ask you a question?"

"Hm, sure."

"If the whole clone theory is true, does that mean that our fingerprints match?" Very aware of the other people near her, Janis tries to speak as softly as she can while still being able to be heard by the other girl.

"They wouldn't be identical but could be close enough to flag a match, yeah. Why?"

"Because the police found Edith Becker," Janis tells her. "Part of her, at least."

"Part of her?" Cady repeats confused.

"I messed up when I buried her and now they have fingerprints," Janis explains, sparing Cady of the gorier details and the ones that make Janis look like an idiot.

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