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Hello this is gonna be a new book that I'll be working on I can't promise it will be good because I've never written a full book but until I release chapter one of this story here are some things you should know

in the beginning of this story the boys are in High school

Bruce: 16
Vance: 15
Robin: 14
Finney: 14
Billy: 14
Griffin: 13

Yes I aged up griffin for the purpose he could be in this friend group and All of them besides Vance and Bruce will only be mentioned they won't have like POV'S like Bruce and Vance will

But clearly this book will have a time skip so their future ages will be

Bruce: 20
Vance: 19
Robin: 18
Finney: 18
Billy: 18
Griffin: 17

This book will mainly focus on Brance there might be mentions of Rinney but nothing to big seeing as this is a Brance book ABSOLUTELY NO BRIFFIN

I'll upload the first chapter whenever I have free time I hope you guys will enjoy it when release it <3

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