Chapter one

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Vance was standing in the back of the school skipping as per usual

His grades weren't bad he had C's and B's but that was just because his boyfriend had forced him to go to class

Yep you heard it correctly Vance Hopper had a boyfriend but it wasn't just any random boy you'd find in this God-forsaken school

It was a boy most people would know of he was Popular, Athletic, Smart, I think you get it In the eyes of everyone he was perfect

But especially to Vance your probably sitting here wondering who this perfect dream boy is well I'm getting there

This boy was none other than Bruce Yamada

Yep, you heard that Pinball Vance known as the strongest scariest guy in school was dating the Perfect Bruce

The Bruce every girl wanted to date, The Bruce every boy well almost every boy also wanted to date the other half just wanted to be him

Anyway back to the main plot

Vance was hanging out behind the school holding a cigarette to his lips

He took a deep inhale while closing his eyes, he felt relaxed

As he exhaled and the smoke filled the cold air he slowly began to open his eyes

To his surprise there stood Bruce, he let out a loud gasp and jumped back

"Holy shit Bruce! You scared the living shit out of me what are you doing here aren't you supposed to be in class right now?"

Vance didn't get a reply but he could see Bruce's angry expression and he knew exactly why

"Look Bruce I'm sorry I know you don't want me to skip anymore but I j-

Vance was cut off by his boyfriend's scolding tone

"I don't care that you felt the need I told you not to skip and if you'd listen to me for once you would know I specifically told you not to skip today because I had to tell you something, for fucks sake Vance I can't even with you right now"

Vance didn't wanna fight but being accused of not caring for the person he loved the most pushed him over the edge

"I do listen to you, I listen to every fucking word that comes out of that damn quote-on-quote perfect little mouth of yours but god forbid I forget one thing you tell me? What the fuck did you even wanna tell me in the first place?"

Vance realized he might of went too far but his anger was boiling over the edge he was expecting Bruce to tell him and then maybe just storm away but what Bruce said was ten times worse

"You know what Vance it doesn't matter because I just think we should break up this relationship isn't doing either of us any good anymore"

With that, Bruce walked away

Vance didn't know what to do or even say he wanted to go stop Bruce but he couldn't move it was as if time was frozen

And as much as he wanted to cry he couldn't he refused to he didn't wanna risk anyone seeing him but more importantly he didn't wanna think it was real

Because in his books why cry over something that isn't real right? Right?

The school day had ended he hadn't gone to any classes after what happened because what was the point there was no one to drag him to them anymore

But mostly because Bruce was in most of his classes and the last thing he wanted was to see Bruce

Vance had been waiting for Griffin at the front of the school since they walked home together

He finally spotted Griffin exiting the building and of course, he was walking with Bruce

Vance turned his head the other way acting as if he had never even seen the two boys walk out of the building

Finally, after waiting a few minutes he heard the loud thuds of the boy running towards him

He looked over and sure enough, there Griffin was

"Alright, kid you got everything?" Vance asked just to make sure before they started their walk home

Griffin gave Vance a nod then they began walking

"Hey, Vance why didn't I see you in the halls today? Or even at lunch? Did you skip again? You know Bruce doesn't like you doing that" Griffin spat out question after question and it was kinda pissing Vance off but he wasn't gonna lose his shit on one of the only kids he liked

"Yeah, Well about that Griff I'm well aware Bruce doesn't like it, and uh there's probably something you should know"

Griffin looked at Vance with a confused look as they kept walking

"Me and Bruce we decided to end things it just wasn't working out for us not everything can last"

Vance wasn't looking at Griffin as he said this cause if he did end up crying Griffin was the last person he would want to have seen it

"Oh, I'm sorry Vance" Was all Griffin said

The rest of the walk was silent after that

But before they knew it, it was time for the boys to part ways

"Well kid this is goodbye see you tomorrow" Vance waved griffin goodbye

"Bye dickface" Griffin said with a laugh as he walked away

Vance smiled he truly loved that kid as if he was his little brother

Vance continued to walk to his house lighting a cigarette as he did

He held it between his fingers, he wanted to hit it but he honestly couldn't bring himself to so he flicked it away

"Well, there goes like seven dollars"

Vance sighed but he had finally reached home he was ready to sit back relax and try to forget this shitty day

He dug into his pockets for the keys it took him a while but he eventually found them

He pulled them out of his pocket and pushed the key into the lock twisting it

Once he was inside he kicked off his shoes and I shut the door behind him

He realized he was home alone, he let out a loud groan and leaned his back against the door


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