Chapter three

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This chapter is in Vance's POV

I sat there in silence for a good minute I knew my mom was sick but I thought it was just a cold she wasn't new to getting sick she had gotten sick plenty of times what was so different now?

Dad finally spoke up as he began to drive off
"Listen we can stop by mom's you can pick up some clothes or whatever you need I'd suggest getting your shower stuff too you'll be staying for a while"

I nodded I didn't wanna speak all I wanted to do was see my mom and ask her if she was okay

The whole ride was just silence well except for the faint music coming from dads old car radio which was playing Highway to Hell by AC/DC it was one of his favorite songs and always seemed to be on when he was around

It wasn't a bad song and it kinda cleared my head honestly

but it did feel like I was on a Highway to Hell knowing my mom was sick

I hummed along to the beat of the song which I had memorized by heart now and I guess my dad heard me cause when he noticed he asked me

"What the hell do you know about this song boy?"

I looked at him he didn't look back cause he was focusing on driving

"I don't know it's just on every time I see you so I guess I just kind of picked up the lyrics"

My dad let out a chuckle which surprised me because I had never actually heard him laugh before

He cranked up the radio louder and begin to tap his foot along

I simply just laughed and turned my head to look out the window still humming along

It didn't take long for us to reach my mom's house

Dad pulled into the driveway and unlocked the door of the truck

"Be quick don't take too long" I heard him shout after I had opened the car door and jumped out

"I won't" I shouted back and slammed the car door shut it was an accident but dad looked a little mad

I climbed the porch steps each one creaking behind me

When I finally reached the door I stuffed my hand into my pocket digging for the keys

Finally, I felt a familiar feeling of the key's ridges brushing against my fingers

I pulled out the key and shoved it into the keyhole

I twisted a few times and I finally heard the click

I gently pulled my key out and then pushed the door open

When the door opened the house was quiet I was expecting to at least hear the TV to let me know that Mom was asleep in her chair but that was not the case

I stepped inside, and the familiar smell of cheap candles and smoke filled my nose god I knew I was gonna miss this smell when I went to dads seeing as his house just smelt of strong alcohol

I walked to the kitchen hearing the heavy door slam behind me

I grabbed a plastic store bag from the cabinet under the sink since all my current bags were ripped and torn and my backpack couldn't fit much more in it, it was flooded with unfinished work if I dug in there now I might find some work from my freshman year

I shut the cabinet and begin to walk to my room before I make it there though I stop at Mom's room her door wide open I peeked inside she wasn't in there either

I sighed and walked to my room I didn't know where she was but I had hoped she would come back eventually

My room was exactly how I left it this morning even though mom said she was gonna come in and collect all my laundry

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