Chapter two

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It was a new day which was nothing exciting

If anything it was just another school day to Vance and since he wasn't with Bruce anymore it was just more of a bore now

All he had to look forward to was his friends but they became friends with him because of Bruce so they didn't feel like they were his friends anymore

I mean he had Griffin who was his friend way before Bruce even came into the picture but just like the others Griffin became friends with Bruce

When he approached the school he saw a big crowd, he thought it may have been Robin getting into a fight but he was way off

It was just a big crowd surrounding no one other than Bruce because it was just his luck to find Bruce everywhere he went

I mean he knew he was gonna see Bruce today because he was going to go to classes but he didn't think Bruce would be the first thing he'd have to see when he arrived at the fucking school

He wished he could be in that crowd he wished he could say something to Bruce he wished he could go back in time and apologize for what he did but he knew he couldn't so he just simply pushed past the crowd and walked into the school

It was first hour and he had made it in before Bruce did which would have been surprising if Bruce wasn't being held up by that crowd

Vance still wondered what that crowd was for I mean he knew Bruce was popular but he had never seen so many people surrounding him like that before

He sat in his normal seat which was in the front row

Luckily right before they had broken up the teacher moved Vance's seat because he and Bruce talked too much

When He sat down Bruce walked in and he couldn't help but look at him

He had walked in with two random people clinging to him

All Vance could think about was when Bruce used to Cling to him like that for stupid reasons

"Now that we aren't together he can just have everyone cling to him it hasn't even been 24 hours why can't people like me as much as they like Bruce,"  Vance thought still watching as Bruce went to his seat

He couldn't help but slam his fist down on the desk which caused all the people who were currently in the classroom to look at him

He just put his head down for the rest of class

I mean he said he would go he never said he'd do any of the work though

They didn't do anything major anyway the most exciting thing was that the teacher got a call

Vance didn't pick up his head for this call but he did hear everyone say the casual "Ooooo"

When the bell rang everyone immediately charged out the door he was going to but the teacher called his name

So he stayed back he didn't say anything but he did give the teacher that confused look as if he was questioning why he was being held back

I mean of course he was, who wouldn't without any context beforehand

" The office called they wanted me to tell you that your dad is going to be picking you up after school"

Vance just nodded and then walked out of the classroom

He immediately went to the restroom he couldn't stand going to another class with Bruce

Plus with the new knowledge, he was going to his dads was just another thing to add to the amount of stress he was feeling

Vance's dad was a drunk and that was a secret to no one at all

Vance had no idea what happened he used to be a great dad before he discovered alcohol

But when Vance was eight his mom and dad got into a big fight that caused them to separate

Since then he's never been able to interact with his dad the same

I mean sure his parents still shared custody over him but now that he was a teenager it was just harder to interact with his dad now knowing everything that he did

Vance finally made it to the restroom pushing the door open and listening to it slam behind him

He heard a familiar voice in there two familiar voices actually

When he turned the corner he saw Griffin and Robin Who were very clearly skipping class because the bell had already rang

Robin was the first to speak up among all three of the boys

"So is it true?"

Vance gave him a confused look "what do you mean?"

"Griffin here told me you and Bruce broke up" Robin responded hopping off of the sink on which he was sitting

" Way to keep your mouth shut kid"  Vance glared at Griffin Who just shrugged in response

"yeah it's true we just didn't work out anymore I guess" Vance walked over to the sink to wash his hands "and also Griff I can't walk you home today I have to go to my dad's house after school"

"What no who am I supposed to walk home with today?!" Griffin whined pulling on Vance's Jacket sleeve

"I don't know ask Robin maybe you can walk home with him Finney and Gwen" Vance slapped Griffin's hand away

"What no he's not joining the walk especially not today, today is the one day I get to walk with Finney alone since Gwen is going to her friend's house" Robin complained

"Oh my god we get it your head over heels in love with him"

And with that Griffen and Robin were arguing as Vance simply just watched

These two were the two that Vance felt closest to and Billy but Billy was too much of a goody two shoes to skip class

He and Finney were friends but they didn't have much in common the only thing they have in common is their mutual friends and they're liking to hang out in the grab and go

The three boys messed around in the bathroom for the rest of the period luckily no teacher walked in

Vance realized he broke his promise  to himself about actually going to classes today but he didn't care because he got to see Robin and Griffin

The other two boys went to their third period's But Vance didn't he decided he would sneak to the back door of the school and go to his normal spot where he skipped his classes

And that's what he did for the rest of the day he spent his time in his usual spot smoking and just messing around

When school finally ended he went back inside to his locker he grabbed his backpack and swung it over his shoulder slamming his locker shut

He let out a sigh as he walked to the front doors he wasn't prepared to see his dad, it had been almost 2 months since he had seen him last

He walked out and see his dad's truck he walked over to it and put his hand on the handle pulling the door open

He was met with the smell of cigarettes and alcohol

As he hopped in his dad spoke "Hey kiddo how was school today" Vance could tell his dad wanted to be close but he just couldn't do it

"oh it was good I guess but I have a question why do I even have to come with you" Vance looked at his dad who just let out a sigh

"Your mom is sick."

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