His Star - Turner x shy!reader

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(POV: You're part of the French Resistance.)

After the liberation of Paris...

I sit alone at the round table and watch others having fun. I don't feel like dancing after losing some of my teammates in the battle but at least I can finally take a rest now. Fidgeting with the empty glass, I haven't noticed a man coming in my way. ''Wanna dance?'' - he asks.

''Hmm?'' It's surprised me because no one else has asked me so far, so I point at myself and ask in confusion: ''With me?'' When I look up, I see a familiar soldier warmly smiling at me. I know who is he because Rousseau mentioned him once or twice. It's lieutenant Turner, the man I've been secretly in love with for a long time. My team was cooperating with his squad and I was doing everything in my power to make him notice me but seems like effortlessly.

''Yeah.'' Like under a spell I stand up and with hesitation take his hand to let him lead me among the dancing couples to find a good spot for dancing. The two of us start dancing slowly but I can't find the courage to look into his eyes. I just stare at his chest and very delicately keep my hand on his arm. To break the awkward silence between us, he speaks up after some time: ''What's your name?'' 

''I'm (Y/N).''

''(Y/N)... You're cute, you know?'' And this smile again. ''I'm lieutenant Joseph Turner. But you can call me Joseph.'' 

It's getting more crowded and more loudly. From time to time other half-drunk men either bump into me or step on my foot. Then I hear him clear his throat nervously. ''Ah, it's so stuffy here. How about we go somewhere else?'' I nod in reply and next without letting go of my hand he takes me upstairs to a room with widely opened glass door leading to the balcony. ''My favorite place. You know why?'' I shake my head and he continues: ''Because it's the most quiet place here. And there's this view.'' I take a stand in the midst of the balcony to look around and admire the view. Turner sits down on the bench and waves at me to join him. ''Every time I look up at the sky I see that one star which maybe is not the shiniest of them all but never stops shining, it tries its best to remain visible on the sky despite quite strong rivals. And that's what I like about it. This star...'' He pauses for a moment. ''...reminds me of you. Can you see it?'' 

''Uh...'' He moves closer to me and takes my hand to help me spot the star. I can feel his warm breath on my cheek. ''I have a feeling that you are teaching me how to shoot.'' My comment has made him chuckle.

''I don't think there's anything I'd teach you. I saw you in action and I must say I'm impressed by your skills.''

''Really?'' My excitement is clearly heard in my voice. 

He gets up and after taking a few steps ahead he looks thoughtfully at something far away. ''I should say that you did a good job but I can't.'' Confused by his words, I get up as well and come closer to him. ''Because I'm too worried about you, (Y/N). Sometimes during a battle I feel like I don't have strength to fight anymore and can't think of any reasonable order for my men, but when I see you on the battlefield or I think about you, I get a feeling that nothing can stop me. It's weird for me to say this but you're my motivation in this war.'' He then turns around and the way he gazes at me makes me feel weak in my legs. ''I fell in love with you, (Y/N).'' Feeling all of a sudden butterflies in my stomach, I shyly lower my eyes but he leans in and moves a strand of my hair behind my ear. 

''Lieutenant Turner-''

''I know what you want to say. You probably have someone else in your heart.'' 

Standing on tiptoes, I leave a peck on his cheek. ''I have only you in my heart.''

His eyes widen in shock and second later his lips form into a broad smile. ''Wow. I suddenly feel recharged with positive energy now.''

''I can give you more if you want...'' 

''Oh yeah?''

I do it again but this time on his mouth, so delicately that it's just a brush of my lips. Turner wraps his arms around my waist to bring me closer and kisses me softly. A sudden firework has startled us but we just exchange surprised looks and giggle.

''When the war is over, what will you do?'' - I ask, fondly stroking his cheek.

''I will come back to you and ask you to marry me.''

His sweet confession makes me feel butterflies in my stomach. ''But I don't want you to go-''

''Shh. I'm not going anywhere. Not now.'' - whispers Turner, gently rubbing my back.

I rest my head on his chest, cuddling up to him. I can feel his calm heartbeat, his warmth embracing my body. ''Joseph, please don't leave...''

Turner then takes out a round box with his initials engraved on it. ''This is my old compass I don't use anymore but I had it so long it became my precious treasure with many memories. I hope it'll bring you good memories of us and make you feel better when I'm far away on the front line.''

''Thank you, Joseph. I'll also write you letters.''

''I'd be grateful.'' He lifts my chin to look deeply into my eyes. ''(Y/N), would you like to spend this night with me?'' After my approval Turner kisses me ardently. 

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