10th grade, Fun!....(1)

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The first day of 10th grade. im wearing a light baby pink colored T shirt with high rise ripped shorts that had pentagram fish nets under them I had fish net gloves on with a few bracelets i was wearing white ankle height platforms with very light baby pink leg warmers over top. I should be fine...right? well for me, no, first days are the fucking worst. Why you ask? Well, hi, my name is Flora and I'm a trans fem, bisexual, demi girl, crazy right? The main reason I hate first days is because you never now who is gonna say something to you, for me at least, and you don't know what there going to say to you. 

Normally I get called slurs the occasional tripping in the halls from some kid that thinks that they're better than you all because they're a cis male. I hate school all because of them. All because I'm trans they think I'm a burden to society, maybe I am who knows-uh nevermind.

I walk into the big school building that is already full of kids, normally I'm one of the first kids in the building so i can escape the crowd and find all of my classes but I woke up a bit late and and my eyeliner did not want to look good but I fixed it, but anyway like i said i was in the crowd of people trying to push through to get to my home room, history, i  personally hate  history but it's not as bad as gym. 

As i sit down and start drawing in my sketch book that i take everywhere I hear someone call my name and pull me into a big hug, it was my best friend Marie I've known her since i was like two because  our parents are best friends, well i like her mom more, you see my mother died a few years back and my dad still hasn't accepted me because I'm trans, so i basically live at Marie's house but with school i have to be with my dad.

"Hi Flora!! How are you this morning, has anyone said anything to you? I swear if they did-" Marie had said while balling up her fists and imitating punching someone trying to look tough, failing though "Hi Marie, and no, no one has said anything to me yet, but ill come to you if they do i promise" i said while messing up her hair with my hand "heyyyy my hair forever to look right" Marie whined and pushed my hand off fixing her hand "haha sorry short stack, anyway wanna see my latest drawing?" i said while grabbing my sketch book of the desk and turning one of the pages "of course i do show me!!" she said with much enthusiasm while grabbing the book from me "whoa!!! you're so good at art Flo!" she said with stars in her eyes while looking at every small detail from the clothing to the hair and to the accessories "heh thanks Mar, you might be the only one who thinks that" I said the last part quietly hoping she didn't hear me "what was that last part?" she asked not looking away from the drawing "N-nothing don't worry about it Mar" i said with a light blush dusted on my face from her hearing it, the thing is i have had a crush on Marie for a while now like since 8th grade so i always blush when she notices small things about me or my art, I want to tell her but i can never find the courage to do it.

I was about to say something else to her but i realized the bell was about to ring "hey short stack, go to class the bell is about to ring" I say to her messing with her hair again but it didn't fuck it up to bad so it was fine  "oh shit, thanks Flo, see you next period!" she said as she grabbed her stuff and ran out the door

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