history class(2)

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as I sat in class waiting for the bell to go off and the students to start filling the class i started to draw again and was just drowning everything out until i felt someone tap my shoulder, i jumped a bit because I didn't expect to be toughed but i turned and looked at the person that touched me  "uh, can I help you?" I said with confusion in my voice "sorry to bother you but I'm new here and wanted to say you looked really cool!" the person was a skinny boy with black nails, dirty brown very fluffy hair, small eyeliner, and a baggy half zipped up hoodie with some band T under it and with some black ripped jeans "oh thanks! I'm Flora or you can call me Flo i use she/they by the way, and you are?" I said to him while looking back at my drawing "oh my name is Bug and I use they/he" they said while looking at my drawing and started pulling his own piece of paper out and started drawing something, but he moved back to his desk because the teacher walked in after all of the other students

~Time skip to the end of class~

I was bored so I pulled out my phone I'm in the back so the teacher couldn't see me and i put on some music and put my bluetooth earbuds in and I gave Bug one, I was playing some random 'my mix' playlist on youtube it was mostly loud music but there was the occasional sad or soft song like 'boys will me bugs' or something similar when i noticed class was about to end i put all my stuff away and then stopped my music and got the earbud back from Bug as soon as i put them away the bell rang i said bye to them and walked into the hallway and met Marie in the bathroom so we could talk and fix our hair and makeup.

When i finished fixing my eyeliner i started helping Marie with her hair because it just wouldn't sit right when she did it and plus i had hair spray "alright hold your breath" i say to Marie while about to spray the hair hair spray which she does and i fix her hair "ok you can breath now" i say and she does and lets out a small sigh  "you good Mar?" i said looking at her with a bit of worry in my eyes  "huh oh uh idk school is stressing me out i guess" she says while putting her back do the wall by the sinks while closing her eyes 'she's so pretty wtf' i thought to myself and blushed a bit then the bell rang startling both of us so we grabbed our stuff and ran to class getting scolded by a teacher on the way but we just laughed and went to class

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