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as i met up with Marie i kept hoping to any holy and/or unholy god/goddess that she didn't notice the bandages, but of course she eventually does "hey Flo, what happened to your arm?"  "o-oh uhm it's nothing, don't worry about it" I said with a slight tremor in my voice "are you sure you're ok? you know you can tell me anything Flora" she said her voice full of concern "y-yeah I know Mar, I-I'll tell you about it later" i said while looking away from her, i couldn't stand looking at her when she was worried for me, i shouldn't make her worry for me, it was so selfish of me 

~time skip to after school~

i was walking home after school when my phone dinged, so I stopped and got my phone out of my bookbag and looked at it, just a YouTube notification, but it was my favorite youtuber so I pressed it and watched it as I walked the rest of the way home 

when i got home i used my key to unlock the front door, no one was home yet, good, i grabbed a pair of shorts and a baggy T shirt and my charger, then left and locked the door

i went to Maries house and knocked on the door, she always gets home before me but im alright with it, she opened it almost as soon as i knocked like she was waiting for me, i walked in while half hugging her and put my stuff in her room, i then went downstairs to watch a movie with her

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