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Aydin Bennet Foly

25 years old. 6'4 in height. Blue eyes, as blue as the seas after a storm. Medium length wavy brown hair that's parted down the middle. He has a pretty average body build, not too skinny but also has some muscle definition. Always been more of a loner introverted type unless he's with a group of friends he is comfortable around. His hobbies included hiking, painting, love of psychological thrillers, and running through central park or other New York trails. He also enjoys video production and his bar tending job. He is going to school to become a psychologist.

Shiloh Ann Connors

She is 24 Years old. About 5'5 in height. Shiloh has deep amber colored eyes. Her hair is honey blonde and past her shoulders, more on the straight slightly wavy side. Shiloh's build is also pretty in between for a woman. She's neither sleek model physique or considered plump. She does have a curvy physique. She's always had a very warm welcoming personality. There's no one she couldn't strike up a conversation with. Her hobbies are loving her puppy honeycomb to death, sfx makeup along with glitz, really cosmetology in general. She enjoys joining Aydin on his hikes. She tries every off chance she gets to meet up with friends and socialize. She did attend cosmetology college and is now working make up artist gigs when she can find them. Her goal is to eventually leave to Hollywood and become a big makeup artist for the movie production companies.

Mason Lee Jackson

He is 26 years old. 6'2 in height. Has long shoulder length messy rustic blonde hair. He has blue eyes that are as clear as the water in Fiji, they are almost grey. He is definitely more on the muscular side since his profession requires it. His personality is very magnetic, very charismatic. He very much does fit the 'Hollywood boy' picture, but with all the good characteristics. He has a giving heart and a adorable soft side when he's with the ones he loves. Mason's hobbies include riding and modifying his motorcycle, huge love for rock music and his vinyl collection of it, loves being a handy man and a craftsman, and working out; fitness; the whole nine yards when it comes to body fitness. His job is being a model but also sells hand built furniture.

Officer Marie Riley

She is 36 years old. Brown hair and eyes. About the same height as Shiloh. She has been with the LAPD for 10 years now, she is a lieutenant. Her goal is to sometime soon make captain and she works tirelessly to make it so. She has yet to be married as her career means everything to her. She is also not from Los Angeles but moved there when she was 21 after she finished college to pursue a career in criminal justice.

Back Story:

Shiloh and Aydin grew up together in New York City. They were inseparable best friends due to their parents being acquainted.

Shiloh and Aydin were always there for one another no matter the time or distance. They knew each other like the sun knows the horizon. All the late movie nights and joy rides around town grew into a love of familiarity together. The pair thought they owed it to give their love a try and began to date the last year of high school.

She knew she loved having him by her side and knowing his love was always constant. But sadly Shiloh couldn't see past the friendship they've shared since they were toddlers. Deep down she always had something poking at her that just wasn't right about the relationship.

Hitting the relationship year mark, both 'mutually' decided to end it. Shiloh was completely oblivious that over the course of their relationship, Aydin's love grew dark and obsessive. He acquired a taste of what it was to be romantically needed by the girl that has taken his breath away year after year. He couldn't just let that walk out of his life.

As time grew into adulthood, Shiloh slowly became more apparent to his obsessive behavior. Every relationship Shiloh tried to be in, Aydin slowly inserted himself into the equation. Showing up to her dates by coincidence, acting like he was in some sort of dire need to get her by his side, refusing to leave her house after hours of being there. The list goes on.

Aydin did what ever he could to drive her boyfriends away. At first she figured it was just him being protective. Then the last incident before Shiloh left New York was the tipping point for them both. Something snapped in Aydin, causing Shiloh to have to secretly leave New York.

The story takes place in 2017.


Author's note:

I am very proud of Forgive Me, because this is the first story I have ever fully finished over the years. It has taken me a very good amount of time to write, edit, and design this short story. Please show it some love and if you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it give it a share with your friends. I just also want you to know how much it means to me that you are interested and reading it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm proud of it and I hope to continue writing more novels and short stories in the future. Forgive me was meant to be a short story from the beginning because the inspiration I got it from wasn't a long concept at all. And it was meant to prove to myself I could actually finish a story I started writing. Because once again I did finish it back in the day but it needed some major updates and imagery added.

I made YouTube playlists for my two main characters Aydin and Shiloh :) I'll paste the links so you can give them a listen and be able to dive a little further into both my characters.

Aydin's Playlist-

Shiloh's Playlist-

Enjoy and know I love and appreciate you very much!      



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