Part Four: Close But Far

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3:30 A.M. Pacific Time

Aydin needed a release. A subtle glint to remind him of the way they used to love each other, hold each other. He craved so desperately to feel her skin again. Her delicate touch, her kiss, her voice, he needed it all. With no destination in mind, he drove and drove down the endless California highways.
Finally, his car came to the end of the pavement's path. In front of him was the endless sea and the moon dancing over its ripples. He shut off his car and rested his arm on the driver's door interior. He stared out blankly for once having no thoughts.

Aydin removed his shoes, rolled up his pant legs, and exited his vehicle. He took in the ocean's scent as its breeze grazed his skin. He had never felt so at peace yet so emotionally hungry all at once. He walked through the sand kicking it up every so often. His hands rested in his pockets and his gaze was on the sandy earth. He convened himself about ten feet away from the ocean's boarder. He closed his eyes and laid back, letting the waves overtake his mind. He couldn't help but wonder if he could ever experience true peace without her. Could he ever bring himself to let her go. Not that he wanted to... But could he?

There weren't many people lurking out and about on the beach tonight. But it also does happen to be three in the morning. It's not everyone first idea to do this early. Or in Aydin's case this late at night due to him getting barely any sleep since he's landed. He needed to contemplate his next move for tomorrow. There aren't many hours left in the day.

Aydin began to ponder on how he would approach this. With his eyes still shut he could start to hear something over the waves. It was laughter. Aydin sat up to look in the direction of the noise. It was a group of about seven early-twenty-year olds. Four women and Three men. They were journeying their way towards him but didn't pay mind to him dwelling there. He didn't care to move, not particularly minding if they were to end up bothering him.

One of the women caught his eye. She was to the far right, nearest to the ocean. She was laughing most of the bunch with one of the other women. She had blonde hair and brown eyes with a petite build.

She was styling a black high cut one piece with a tie-able multicolored long skirt. As she grew closer, she finally noticed a stranger sitting ahead of them in the sand. Aydin didn't take his eyes off of her even after he had been caught by the lovely blonde. They both smiled at each other, and her cheeks began to feel warm. Aydin was clearly attractive, so she wasn't bothered by his attention in the slightest.

The lady told her friends to continue on as they passed by Aydin. "You look lonely" she looked down on the handsome stranger.

"See but now I'm not alone anymore so I guess it worked" He winked at her.

"My friends and I were just heading up to a bonfire if you would like to join? I'd hate the thought of leaving you here all by yourself"

"That doesn't sound like such a terrible time, I'll have to accept" Aydin took the women's outstretched hand and stood up. "I'm..Connor" They continued to hold hands after he was to his feet.

"Carmen" They slightly shook hands and let them drop back to their sides. He gestured for her to lead the way as they started to follow behind the group. They engaged in small talk like plenty strangers tend to do while getting to know one another. The gang of people eventually lead him to a hidden part of the beach guarded by large boulders. Carmen grabbed his hands and pulled him through all the nooks and crannies leading to the party location. There was a spacious clearing reveled in the wall of never-ending stones. About 20 more people were already there with red solo cups in their mitts and talking amongst each other.

Carmen led Aydin over to the previous young adults they were following behind. "Everyone this is Connor, Connor this is everyone" They all gave the usual greetings back. Aydin just nodded his head in response. "Do you want a drink?"

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