Part Six: Point of No Return

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2:00 A.M. Pacific Time

Not one sound echoed through the dark Connor's household. All of its residence being fast asleep. No worry occupied Shiloh's dream tonight. It already took hours of convincing her to sleep in the first place. The officers sat inert in their cars talking among themselves, while sipping their bland coffee.

The sky was clear with no cloud in sight. The stars flickered like little white lightning bugs. It was always quiet in her neighborhood that mostly resided young families.

Aydin knew he had very little time left to mess around. He parked his vehicle a street behind the quiet house. He glanced around his surroundings, being sure to keep an eye out for any lingering unwanted onlookers. The coast appeared clear from the left and right ends of the road. He closed his car door as lightly as he was able and stepped out to meet the chill LA night breeze. He was sporting all black from head to toe.

He inched past the two privacy fenced houses on the left side of the street to reach the back gate wall of Shiloh's yard. He needed to locate the back exit in the fence. That would be his quick way in and out.

Barely illuminated by the distance streetlights, he felt for the gate's handle. Jiggling it a bit, he found it locked. Aydin let out a heavy sigh of frustration. He would have to climb over. He took off his black hoodie and laid it over the top of the wooden fence. With determination, he pulled himself up and over with as much balance as he could muster. From what he could view there were no lights on in the house. He pulled the jacket back down and put it on. He maneuvered low and quickly around her back yard. Aydin peered through all the available windows making sure everyone was truly asleep before heading to the power box.

Mason's eyes lazily opened as they usually do at one point in the night. He turned his head to see his beautiful fiancé sleeping soundly next to him. For a tiny moment, Mason laid there in the silence watching her chest rise and fall with peaceful breaths. He smiled to himself and kissed Shiloh's forehead. Gently, he removed her arm from across his bare chest and sat up. He momentarily glanced back at Shi making sure this movement didn't disturb her much needed rest. His love stirred but nothing more.

Every night: Mason would walk around the Connor's residence in the dead hours of the morning, being woken up by nature. He cracked open Daisy's door to check on the little one and his sister. Both were sound asleep surrounded by the child's stuffed animals. Man, if he had a camera right now. He exited the room and back out into the hallway, finding the bathroom. Upon entering, Mason reached for the light switch. Flicking it a couple of times it failed to illuminate the room. He assumed the light bulb was out again shrugging his shoulders and continued on with what he came to do.

With the power cut, Aydin got to work on getting the back door open. In a quick five minutes he managed to get past the lock, slowly pushing the door ajar. He snaked his way through the kitchen and over to the house's living-room window. Looking up and down the street, he located the two police cars on the prowl for him. Their only job being taking Aydin away from his Shiloh.

Flashing images of her warm gentle body secured in his arms indefinitely; halted his train of thought.

Then he heard a door shut in the stillness of the house.

Aydin crept to the bottom of the staircase, following the source of the noise. He progressed up the carpeted platforms placing only the front of his foot on each level.

Gradually the same large gentleman that came to his love's aid appeared into view, Mason. Mason himself being blissfully unaware of the intruder as he entered the bathroom. The sinister young man saw this as his opportunity to get him out of the way.

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