Part Three: Uncovering the Past

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8:45 A.M. Pacific Time, 11:45 A.M. Eastern Time

Beams of light poured into the quiet master bedroom. The little one rose to her tiptoes to try and see over the cotton fabric collection. "Mommy?" The confused three-year-old called out not being able to view her mom from the piling heap of floral comforter on top of the bed. Mason soon after entered the bedroom with a full tray of mouthwatering food.

"Good morning beautiful! Daisy and I made you breakfast" There was bacon, blueberry pancakes, toast, and scrambled eggs, with a mug of coffee. A grunt and sudden movement soon came from the pile. Shiloh's rosy face emerged from underneath her pillows. "There she is!" Daisy and Mason giggled. Shiloh slowly at up and yawned. He set the food down in her lap, kissed her cheek, and walked around the bed to the other side.

"This looks really great, thanks guys" She smiled at them.

"Um... I also, called into work for you. I thought we could all go out adventuring and spend the day together? You had a rough time getting to sleep last night, so I want to give you today to relax" He gabbed Daisy and lifted her onto the bed. Shiloh was hesitant about it at first which earned Mason a surprised 'oh really?' stare. He raised his eyebrows and flashed her his award-winning smile, making her laugh.

With all the lack of sleep she's been getting these last few days, she knew it would be nice to not have to put makeup on everyone for hours on end.

"You know what, that actually sounds really good to me" Little Daisy perked up.

"Really? no CC?" The little one smiled from ear to ear. CC is what she called Mason's younger sister Casey who came and watched her when the two needed to work.

"No CC" Shiloh petted her daughters cute blonde head which was still messy from sleep.

Mason and Daisy stayed with her as she ate. After she finished up of what she could out of the pile of food he made her, she thanked the pair as Mason took the tray away. He took Daisy with him out of the room to let her mom get ready for the day.

Shiloh slowly but surely found the will to roll out of bed with the energy she received from her full tummy. She slumped over to her semi-messy closet to try and figure out an outfit for the outing occasion.

Shiloh chose her favorite sunflower sundress and grabbed a pair of spandex shorts to put on underneath. With all of her clothes in hand, she walks into the bathroom to shower and get ready.

1:30 P.M. Eastern Time, 10:30 A.M. Pacific Time

Aydin rolled his luggage down the lengthy airport halls, giving no acknowledgement to the other civilians also commuting through. He wore an over-sized, rolled sleeve, grey sweater for comfort. With black skinnies, black dress shoes, and aviators. With Aydin's ban being up a month ago he knew he wouldn't be interrupted from boarding. He became smugger with each passing moment.

There was a thirty-minute period until his flight would start boarding. Aydin lounged in the waiting area with his earbuds in, drowning out the sound of the civilians around him. He rested his head on the back of the chair with one of his legs extended out in front of him and the other bent in a normal sitting position. He closed his eyes and let the soft classical music flood his ears. Slowly he drifted off to the enchantment of her and their old memories. Her laughs echoed and her smile took over like a plague. He remembered how absolutely perfect Shiloh looked when the early morning's rays danced on her delicate skin.

"I love you Aydin" He replayed her sweet voice like it was a broken record. Time escaped him behind closed eyelids and piano keys.

Aydin's eyes shot open as his headphone was taken from his ear. There stood in front of him an early twenties brunette. "Um excuse me hun they're boarding now"

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