Chapter 6: Anything for You

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Meaning the world to someone seems like entirely far too much. It's strange, in actuality. Far too strange for me to fully grasp and comprehend, but somewhat reassuring nonetheless.

"Frank, what happened to us? How did we get here? I-"

It was all tumbling out, an abundance of questions mercilessly passing between my lips without permission. I couldn't stop it and I certainly wasn't making any attempt to.

But wouldn't you like to know, too?

"Please tell me about us, Frankie."

That's when he finally decided to start talking. Maybe it's something unbecoming to discus and maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all, but I did, and I just want some fucking answers.

"I- we, well, we met in a forest. I used to go there to escape from reality for a while: my mothers death, my fathers abuse, school. Everything, really.

"It was just one fucking day. One day, right in the middle of the forest, I caught a glimpse of red. You were leant up against a tree smoking; it was so fucking beautiful. Ironic, isn't it? The way I'm calling something that was killing you beautiful.

"But it truly was. I've never seen anyone smoke as beautifully as you, Gerard, and you enticed me from the first glance.

"We hated each other, you know? Well, not exactly. I fell out of a fucking tree, and you saw me. God, I hated your guts, and you hated mine, or maybe we simply pretended to.

"We spoke again in the coffee shop I used to work at, it's not far from here, actually. I learned your name and vice versa. You left pretty quickly, though. But we just appeared to keep running into each other. Well, not literally, but you know what I mean, right?"

I nod, a gently smile dancing across my lips, beckoning him to continue.

"And- well, you watched me for two weeks from the tree outside my bedroom. I found it so fucking creepy at the time. You watched me... Hurt myself, then you entered my room and tried to stop me, but my dad heard and I ended up passed out on the floor. You carried me back to the forest where we met, which I still haven't thanked you for.

"When I awoke, all I could see was you, even though I didn't realise immediately. You were cradling me, and it was so warm, I was more comfortable than I ever remember being. But you were just staring down at me and God, you've always been so fucking beautiful, I-

"But-but then you cut, and it upset me so much, and I realised I was gay, and-"

He paused for a moment, as if to try and re-compose himself before he continued. Replaying the memories seemed to be paining him as much as it hurt me seeing him this way.

"Well, you tried to kill yourself, fuck, it was so fucking bad. But I was just in time, and you were okay in the end. You wrote me this fucking beautiful note, I still have it, well...

"You told me you were in love with me, and I knew I was in love with you, too. It opened my eyes so much. But then- then the doctor informed me that I had cancer. God, I- it's not even those words that hurt me the most, you know? It was knowing I'd have to leave you when I parted with the world.

"You fucked me that night, or I suppose I fucked you. You probably don't want to know that, but I figured I should probably let you know or something.

"Anyway, well, it wasn't long after that I died. I played you a song I wrote, too, called 'The Light Behind Your Eyes.' but I guess you let them take it anyway, huh, Gee?" He sighs, absentmindedly running a hand through his hair in his distress.

"I also wrote you a note to explain the whole cancer thing. I remember watching you read it, well, I was dead, and I suppose it was kind of like an out-of-body experience, but my heart wasn't beating.

"Seeing you cry fucking broke me, baby," Frank's voice cracked, and he appeared to be mentally cursing at himself for calling me such a thing. I didn't care about that, though. If anything, it was rather sweet.

"I hate thinking about it, really.

"And well, all that happened after that is why you're here, I suppose.

"You remember the forest I mentioned where we met? Well, it was there after I died and you-you, you fucking jumped, Gerard. I'll never forgive you for doing that, not really. But I still fucking love you. I'll never not love you, Gee.

"Please, just... Even if you can't remember me, remember I love you. That's all I ask, okay?"

It was so much to take in all at once.

But it hit me like a fucking train.

I simply nodded in response, not wanting to ask anymore questions, in case I accidentally said something he didn't want to hear.

"Okay, Frankie. I'll never forget. And, who knows? Maybe someday I'll fall in love with you again. Maybe we can be together once more. I just need to remember, please give me some time. What you just told me might help, but I need to remember fully before I can think about this. I'm sorry, Frank."

Frank nods, "It's okay, Gee. It's, well, inevitable, I guess. You couldn't help forgetting, I know it's not your fault."

"I guess not. Hey, Frank?"

"Yeah, Gerard?"

"Can I just- please let me hold your hand? Even if it's for the last time, I just- please?"

"Of course, Gee. Anything for you."

And I slid my hand closer to his, butterflies swarming within me. It was odd, really. The way that as our skin touched, all I could feel was the electricity, the sparks it sent flying through my body. It was all so much different to what I felt when Lindsey and I held hands.

Frank slowly began to slip hit fingers between my own, gingerly linking his with mine. It was like us coming together again, re-meeting in this universe between universes.

We just sat there for a while, hand in hand, staring at nothing in particular.

I wonder what he's thinking about right now, because he just so happens to be all that's on my mind at this particular moment.

Nothing else seems to matter now, not at all. It's just us against the world, us against everything, and that's how it should've always been, right from the very beginning.

"Hey, Frankie?"

"Yeah, Gee?"

And then I leant in and kissed him.

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